stretch out是什么意思 stretch out在线中文翻译

stretch out 英 [stretʃ aut] 美 [strɛtʃ aʊt]

stretch out 词典解释

形容词延伸;伸直; 绵延;满足需要

stretch out 词典例句

  1. They don't want to stretch the meeting out.

stretch out 网络解释

  1. 伸展
    ...这项说明通常带来以下的问题:那么当选手必须伸展 (Stretch out) 去回击反拍时呢?我们可以想象单手反拍选手扑救很远的来球,可是双手反拍呢?双手反拍也能构的到大外角的球吗?我的答案是也许不能,但是多少次你看到这种单手反拍选手扑救的球得分?...
  2. 伸展;伸手拿
    ...stray away from 走离;走失;漫游 | stretch out 伸展;伸手拿... | string up 吊死某人;把...挂起来...
  3. 伸直四肢地平躺
    ...strapon - n.穿戴式假阴茎 [参]dildo | stretch out - 伸直四肢地平躺 | strip - v.脱衣服 n.脱衣舞...
  4. 伸出
    ...stock exchange 股票交易 | stretch out 伸出 | strike a serious blow at严重打击...

stretch out 英英释义

  1. thrust or extend out
    e.g. He held out his hand
    e.g. point a finger
    e.g. extend a hand
    e.g. the bee exserted its sting
    Synonym: exsert put out extend hold out stretch forth
  2. stretch (the neck) so as to see better
    e.g. The women craned their necks to see the President drive by
    Synonym: crane
  3. extend one's body or limbs
    e.g. Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours
    Synonym: stretch
  4. lie down comfortably
    e.g. To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass
    Synonym: stretch
  5. extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length
    e.g. Unfold the newspaper
    e.g. stretch out that piece of cloth
    e.g. extend the TV antenna
    Synonym: unfold stretch extend

stretch out [stretʃ aut]

na. 伸手;开始大踏步走;同“stretch”
[网络] 伸展;伸出;充分伸展
stretch out


enlarge: 放大(照片)
extend: 使…(在空间或时间上)更大,更长;伸长,伸展,延展;舒展(肢体),extend sth
stretch: vt 拉长,撑大;绵延,延续
prolong: 人为的延长时间
inflate: 使(轮胎、气球等)充气,膨胀,inflate sth (with sth)
expand: 使…变大,扩大,扩展,expand sth into sth
increase: 增加,增大(数目、数量、体积等),increase sth from…to…
multiply: 成倍的增加
lengthen: 指自然的延长时间或空间
add: 加,添加,add sth to sth
augment: vt 增多,增大,augment sth
amplify: 特指音量,电流等的扩大

enlarge: v.扩大,多指具体物品如相片的放大。
 ➤ enlarge photograph  
放大照片enlarge a house扩建房屋

stretch: v. (有弹性地)伸展,延伸,并有可能超过限度;伸长、伸出(身体某部位)并绷紧肌肉(尤指在放松后或为了够着某物)。
 ➤ The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.  

 ➤ Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, stretching themselves.  

expand: v.指范围、体积的扩大、增大,也可以指内容或细节的充实。
 ➤ The balloon expanded, then exploded.  

reinforce: v.增援,加固。
magnify: v.放大,指用透镜或显微镜使物体看上去大一些。
 ➤ His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.  

amplify: v.扩大,增加,尤其指通过增强电压或电流使声音扩大;补充叙述(故事、事件等)。
 ➤ We must ask you to amplify your statement.  

explode: (炸弹)爆炸;
burst: (the ball)爆裂
break out: 爆发(战争);

burn up: 完全烧毁,烧光
burn out: 指“……内部全部烧毁”;

leave: 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
start: 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
depart: 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
quit: 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
set out: 书面用词。
go: 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。

invent: 发明本来不存在的物体,
discover: 发现本来存在但不为人所知的东西,
find out: 发现,查明 At last he found out the truth.

recognize: 指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。
identify: 指辨别、确定人的身份或物品的归属等。
make out: 通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。