burn up是什么意思 burn up在线中文翻译

burn up 英 [bə:n ʌp] 美 [bɚn ʌp]

burn up 词典解释


burn up 网络解释

  1. 烧起来
    ...burn the wind 飞速前进 | burn to ashes 化为灰烬 | burn up 烧起来...
  2. 烧掉
    ...burn 烧 | burn-up 烧掉 | burnable 燃烧...
  3. 烧毁
    ...build up建立 | burn up烧毁 | come up上来;长出;出现...
  4. 烧掉,烧毁;烧起来,旺起来;(使)发怒
    ...build up 逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强 | burn out 烧光,烧毁...的内部;熄灭 | burn up 烧掉,烧毁;烧起来,旺起来;(使)发怒...

burn up 英英释义

  1. burn completely
    be consumed or destroyed by fire
    e.g. The hut burned down
    e.g. The mountain of paper went up in flames
    Synonym: burn down go up
  2. use up (energy)
    e.g. burn off calories through vigorous exercise
    Synonym: burn off burn
  3. burn brightly
    e.g. Every star seemed to flare with new intensity
    Synonym: flare flame up blaze up

burn up [bə:n ʌp]

na. 烧完;旺起来;使恼怒;发怒
[网络] 烧起来;烧尽;烧光
burn up


burn up: 完全烧毁,烧光
burn out: 指“……内部全部烧毁”;

scratch: 抓伤;
bruise: 擦伤
bump/lump: 碰伤肿块;
cut: 割伤;
burn: 灼伤;