still dome是什么意思 still dome在线中文翻译

still dome

still dome 双语例句

  1. This Council was held in Constantinople (aka in Trullo, literally, 'under the dome'because of the building used) It was convened due to the lack of canons from Fifth and Sixth Ecumenical Councils, Called by Emperor to promulgate canons necessary to correct issues still outstanding from the previous Councils.
    本会召开了君士坦丁堡(又名在trullo ,从字面上来看,'圆顶下',因为该大厦的使用),它是召集由于缺乏大炮,从第五次和第六次全基督教议会,所谓由皇帝颁布炮,有必要纠正问题尚待完成,由以前的议会。
  2. The Chinese style dome-like tombs can still be seen in the ruins in Siyu Village.
  3. However, so far the studies on cable domes about design and calculation theory, form finding, calculation methods of construction following, mechanical properties and so forth are still in their infancy with very limited references which only introduce the construction methods of one cable dome applied abroad. Work of this paper tries its way to the research of structural theory of cable domes.
  4. In the middle of the fourteenth century, the third church was already in ruins, with its dome fallen in. Of the fourth church, there remained only the crypt which pilgrims at the end of the century said had been changed into a mosque. However, it would seem that Christian rites were still celebrated there during the fifteenth century.
  5. If you are still not three, not four, I will give you dome color to see see.
  6. The dome light that illume study coping installs or shoot the lamp to be lampion more, what use morer truly still is the floodlight on desk, light of this kind of floodlight wants downy and bright, too the lamplight of dazzling causes eye ministry exhaustion easily.
  7. At one of the larger international schools in Beijing a decision was made to build a giant hermetically sealed fresh-air dome over the sports field so that students can still play and exercise, even on the most heavily polluted days.
  8. It is still assumed baud being able to hear the platinum voice of live really.
  9. With temperatures still running high, Tokyo Dome City Attractions has extended its ghost house opening by a month.
  10. Dome for electric furnaces and ovens oil-still tube supports

still dome

still dome


whereas: 表对比,一般可与while互换。
nevertheless: 指尽管作出完全让步,也不会发生任何影响。
but: 口语常用词,语气较强,泛指与前述情况相反。
however: 表转折关系,语气稍弱于but,连接性也弱一些,因而常作插入语。
still: 语气强,多用于肯定句或疑问句。指尽管作出让步,采取措施或表示反对,但情况仍然如故,无所改变。
while: 表对比,一般可与whereas换用,但程度弱一些。
yet: 常用于否定句,语气比still稍强。指不管作出多大努力或让步,仍达不到预期的结果。

noiseless: 指无任何噪音或不出声,无声无息。
silent: 普通用词,指缄默不语或无声无息。
calm: 普通用词,既可指天气、海洋等的平静状态,又可指人的镇定沉着、不慌乱,不受外界影响和情绪支配。
peaceful: 普通用词,指一种不受外物扰乱和刺激的内在宁静或和平状态。
serene: 指一种超脱一切烦恼的宁静状态。
still: 指平静而又安定的状态。
quiet: 普通用词,指没有喧闹、活动或骚乱的寂静状态。