kura是什么意思 kura在线中文翻译

Kura 英 [kʊˈrɑ:] 美 [kʊˈrɑ]

Kura 双语例句

  1. Rīla Vivanātha Cakravartī Thākura comments in this connection that King Manu knew that the Supreme Personality of Godhead would take birth in the womb of kūti; therefore, in spite of having two sons, he wanted the particular son born of kūti because he was ambitious to have the Supreme Personality of Godhead appear as his son and grandson.
    圣维施瓦纳特·查夸瓦提·塔库( Vivanātha Cakravartī Thākura )就此评论说,玛努王得知至尊人格神会诞自阿库缇的子宫,因为强烈渴望能得到至尊人格神作自己的儿子和孙子,所以虽然已有两个儿子,还是想求取阿库缇生下来的儿子。
  2. A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku.
  3. Abnormally high pressure and hydrocarbon accumulation in the lower Kura Sag, South Caspian Basin
  4. The capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river.
  5. A city of southeast European U.S.S.R.on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku.

Kura 单语例句

  1. The Kura Pounamu exhibition explores the historical and cultural significance of Maori jade in New Zealand.

Kura [ku'ra:]

n. 库那河
n. a river in western Asia; rises in northeast Turkey and flows to the Caspian Sea