imposing stone是什么意思 imposing stone在线中文翻译

imposing stone

imposing stone 双语例句

  1. The distance from the column foundation stone to the center is 5 meters, to its apart also amounts to 5 meters, the column foundation facing south and is imposing manner great palace ruins.
  2. Defy disease of water, float stone person, even tendency; We can draw an analogy like this, you give him the same water as others, competent business personnel, he can give you put get alpine cliff, form, fly, flow, make meter of imposing manners and resound through kilometer of renouns direct, will wash away the huge stone, will form the scenery, can be used for generating electricity too.
  3. Wooden Castle serves as a basic strongpoint but it should not be thought of as a long-term defence, rather as a stop-gap until more funds are available for an imposing stone bastion.

imposing stone 单语例句

  1. It is still an imposing edifice with a steep stone path that dips frighteningly downwards.
  2. The lively scene unfolds just a stone's throw away from the imposing municipal government building.
  3. The lively scene exists just a stone's throw away from the imposing municipal government building.

imposing stone [ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ stəun]

n. 排字版
imposing stone


jewel: 多指贵重的宝石,是经过切削打磨,通常镶嵌在胸针、项链或其它装饰物上的玉。
jewellery: 是珠宝的总称,泛指各类珠宝,既指佩带或衣服的珠宝饰物,又指用普通金属、塑料或假宝石制作的装饰物。
stone: 特别强调稀少罕见或值钱的矿物。
gem: 指经切割、磨光的宝石,引申指珍品、佳作。

pebble: 多指海边、河边或沙中圆形的小卵石。
stone: 普通用词,泛指井然的或经加工的各类石头,可大可小。
rock: 普通用词,指构成地表最坚硬部分或突出于周围地面的巨大岩石,也可指石头或石块。
gravel: 集合名词,常指用于铺路的小石子和沙砾。