choke是什么意思 choke在线中文翻译

choke 英 [tʃəʊk] 美 [tʃoʊk]


choke 词典解释


choke 词典例句

  1. Leaves choked the drain.
  2. The smoke almost choked me.
  3. The weeds choked the garden.
  1. The fish bone in her throat made her choke.

choke 网络解释

  1. 抗流圈
  2. 阻风门
    ...为达到此项要求,一般化油器皆有阻风门 (Choke) 之设计. 大气中之沙土灰尘有砂质、土质、软硬粗细之分,但当其和润滑油混和,皆成良好之研磨剂. 空气滤清器之主要直接功能为清除进入汽缸前之空气中之灰尘,间接方面,可以降低化油器之噪音,...

choke 英英释义

  1. a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
  2. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current
    Synonym: choke coil choking coil
  1. breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion
    e.g. She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband
  2. cause to retch or choke
    Synonym: gag
  3. struggle for breath
    have insufficient oxygen intake
    e.g. he swallowed a fishbone and gagged
    Synonym: gag strangle suffocate
  4. constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
    Synonym: strangle
  5. reduce the air supply
    e.g. choke a carburetor
    Synonym: throttle
  6. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
    e.g. She died from cancer
    e.g. The children perished in the fire
    e.g. The patient went peacefully
    e.g. The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102
    Synonym: die decease perish go exit pass away expire pass kick the bucket cash in one's chips buy the farm conk give-up the ghost drop dead pop off croak snuff it
  7. suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of
    e.g. His job suffocated him
    Synonym: suffocate
  8. become stultified, suppressed, or stifled
    e.g. He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village
    Synonym: suffocate
  9. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of
    e.g. The foul air was slowly suffocating the children
    Synonym: suffocate stifle asphyxiate
  10. become or cause to become obstructed
    e.g. The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
    e.g. The water pipe is backed up
    Synonym: clog choke off clog up back up congest foul
  11. be too tight
    rub or press
    e.g. This neckband is choking the cat
    Synonym: gag fret
  12. wring the neck of
    e.g. The man choked his opponent
    Synonym: scrag
  13. check or slow down the action or effect of
    e.g. She choked her anger
  14. fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation
    e.g. The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience

choke 词组短语

  1. choke up 阻塞
  2. choke down 抑制

choke [tʃəʊk]

高考 四级 六级 考研 托福 雅思
n. 窒息;噎;[动力] 阻气门
vi. 窒息;阻塞;说不出话来
vt. 呛;使窒息;阻塞;抑制;扑灭
n. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current
n. a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
v. breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion
v. be too tight; rub or press