bundle away是什么意思 bundle away在线中文翻译

bundle away

bundle away 双语例句

  1. Complain away, ready to be buried ideal soil, under the hope that the root bundle.
  2. Some Russian vehicles were outfitted with a cage of wire mesh mounted some 25-30 centimeters away from the hull armor to defeat the shaped charges of an antitank grenade launcher as well as to protect the vehicle from a Molotov cocktail or bundle of explosives.
  3. The father had long ago taken up his bundle and hidden himself away with it, when the women who had tended the bundle while it lay on the base of the fountain, sat there watching the running of the water and the rolling of the Fancy Ball--when the one woman who had stood conspicuous, knitting, still knitted on with the steadfastness of Fate.
  4. Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my master will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the LORD your God. But the lives of your enemies he will hurl away as from the pocket of a sling.
  5. When dead leaves break away, they leave behind waxy cells that form a small bud called a bundle scar.
  6. A hummingbird's bill so nearly matches the color of this Panamanian orchid's pollen sac that the bundle is often borne away unnoticed.
  7. And once customers have signed up for a bundle of services, they are less likely to be lured away by a rival. In a sense, walking also proceeds in waves, the step-by-step movement constituting waves.
  8. One of her order of mind would have been content to be cast away upon a desert island with a bundle of money, and only the long strain of starvation would have taught her that in some cases it could have no value.

bundle away 单语例句

  1. Prosecutors also said Meng hid a bundle of certificates for national computer exams that they say he took away from the examination authority.
  2. When poles drifted away from the bundle, they had to pull them back or they would pay for the loss.

bundle away

bundle away


flee: 书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意。
fly: 含义与flee相同,但系非正式用词。
get away: 口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。
run away: 口语用语,强调动作迅速。
escape: 侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况。

parcel: 着重指邮包,也指将东西扎成小包或不太大的包。
package: 指包装整齐严密的包裹或一包、一捆、一盒东西。
bundle: 指多件东西被捆扎在一起。
bunch: 指有规则地把同类东西固定在一起。
packet: 一般指小件行李、邮包、还可指更小一些的包。
pack: 指专为背负而包扎的包裹,也指驮物等。

instantly: 指恰恰就在此刻,一秒钟也没耽误。
right away: 主要用于美国英语,语气稍弱于at once,强调动作迅速。
directly: 和immediately同义,指毫无迟疑。
soon: 常用词,指行动快,完成速度快。
at once: 口语中常用,语气强烈,指时间紧迫,一刻也不能耽误。
shortly: 和soon同义,指动作发生或完成的速度之快。
presently: 指不久、即将。
immediately: 指做完一件事后,立即就做另一件事,中间一般没有明显的时间间隔。

expire: 委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。
pass away: 是die的委婉用语。
perish: 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。
die: 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。
decease: 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。

die away: 听不见了,侧重于变弱,逐渐止息
fade: 退色,凋谢
disappear: a. 看不见了 b.消失,一般用语
vanish: 侧重于突然不见或消失