San Hill是什么意思 San Hill在线中文翻译

San Hill

San Hill 双语例句

  1. Coit Tower, which sits atop the narrow Telegraph Hill in northeast San Francisco, was built in 1933, and commemorates one of San Francisco`s more eccentric citizens, Lillie Hitchcock Coit, and the city`s fire department.
  2. All papers in this symposium, which begins at 8:00 am, will be presented at the San Francisco Marriott, Nob Hill C.
  3. Henceforward, he was swindledBy a jeweler of dire repute. Thus, his life changed; And now he lives with:Thirty-five dogs, on San Cosme Hill.
  4. Just south of the city of San Diego, California is a small hill that looks toward the Pacific Ocean.
  5. West Guia hill there is a solemn Church of Our Lady, after the House Education and mainly, it is commonly known as the Bishop Hill, its board, lean on a railing overlooking the modern symbol of the city`s Central Business District and the South Bay like the sea Changhong Macau-Taipa Bridge, to make Eyes closed, Macau`s oldest church San Lorenzo (built in 1569), there are two hundred years of history of St.
    西望洋山上有庄严肃穆的圣母堂,后为主教府,故俗称主教山,登临其上,凭栏远眺,现代都市象征的南湾中心商业区以及仿如跨海长虹的澳凼大桥,尽收眼底,澳门最古老的教堂圣老楞佐堂(建于1 5 6 9 年)、有两百多年历史的圣若瑟修院,以及洋溢着南欧情调的澳督府和澳督私邸都在本区。
  6. With his ally Poggle the Lesser, San Hill had targeted Grievous'shuttle for sabotage resulting in a terrible accident.
  7. No one expects Vince Carter to leave New Jersey, and no one expects Grant Hill to sign anywhere other than Phoenix or San Antonio.
    没人指望Vince Carter离开新泽西,也没人指望Grant Hill会去菲尼克斯或圣安东尼奥以外的地方。
  8. A billboard stood against the backdrop of San Cristobal hill in Lima, Peru, Thursday.
  9. Ship is kwan'am pier, this time on the Lijiang River will be gradually concentrated rain and fog up, the rain turned into strands of rain drift smoke, fluttering 忽忽 whisk to the cheek, visitors in the beauty of the girl who had already rushed to prop up the colors of the Hua San, melting the strands of rain drift into the slanting, the integration into the stretch of lush, the flowers, hidden hill and dale in the sea.
    z#l8Do3UB0 船泊冠岩码头,此时漓江上的雨雾便渐渐地浓了起来,雨烟变为雨丝,飘飘忽忽拂向面颊,游人中那些爱美的女孩便已急急地撑起了各色的花伞,融入斜斜的雨丝中,融入满目的葱翠中,隐没在这漫山遍野的花海里。
  10. A few days after the Rough Riders'charge up San Juan Hill, the Spanish fleet fled Cuba.
  11. San camp 24 Hill yin and yang disk, is acquired by birth hexagram with hexagram, and then under the'satisfied a stretch'is derived out.
  12. From top of the hill got a spectacular view of San Francisco Bay and the city.
  13. As a typical mountainous city of Chongqing, has always been there, " third mountain, six Hill, San Li dam ", which the residential area has a unique mountain features.
  14. They were honored for bravery in the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba.
  15. I have seen many pictures of the charge on San Juan Hill.
  16. During the attack on San Juan Hill, the American troops had the assistance of a hot-air balloon, from which a lieutenant-colonel was supposed to spot enemy positions.
  17. The grapes for Round Hill come primarily from California`s Central Coast Region, including the areas around Monterey, Paso Robles, and San Luis Obispo.
  18. The stairs are always San Juan hill.
  19. As a typical mountainous city of Chongqing, has always been there, " third mountain, six Hill, San Li dam ", which the residential area has a unique mountain features.

San Hill 单语例句

  1. But George Hill sealed the win at the free throw line, and the Spurs assured that the series will come back to San Antonio.

San Hill

San Hill


hill: 通常指小的土山、石山或浅丘。有时也指高山,复数表群山。
volcano: 特指主要由喷出的熔岩和火山灰堆积而成的圆锥形火山。
mountain: 通常指比hill高而陡的高山、山岳。但这种区别不是绝对的,“大”与“小”常常是相对而言。
range: 形成的山脉或岭。
mount: 常用于地名之前, 即一般放在专用名词前,书面用词。
peak: 指山峰,也可指山顶。