wrap up是什么意思 wrap up在线中文翻译

wrap up 英 [ræp ʌp] 美 [ræp ʌp]

wrap up 词典解释

形容词包裹;圆满完成;(使)穿得暖和(wrap somebody/yourself up);注意力完全集中于…

wrap up 英英释义

  1. clothe, as if for protection from the elements
    e.g. cover your head!
    Synonym: cover
  2. form a cylinder by rolling
    e.g. roll up a banner
    Synonym: roll up
  3. finish a task completely
    e.g. I finally got through this homework assignment
    Synonym: get through finish off mop up polish off clear up finish up
  4. arrange or fold as a cover or protection
    e.g. wrap the baby before taking her out
    e.g. Wrap the present
    Synonym: wrap

wrap up [ræp ʌp]

包裹;圆满完成;(使)穿得暖和(wrap somebody/yourself up);注意力完全集中于……
wrap up