water absorption power是什么意思 water absorption power在线中文翻译

water absorption power

water absorption power 双语例句

  1. Under the optimizing condition (the proportion of acrylic acid with starch is 2.6:1, neutralization degree of acrylic acid is 80%, radiation dose 4.1kGy), water absorbency and water retention performance of super absorbent resin is excellent, water-absorption power of super absorbent resin is 1357g/g, salt-water absorption power is 153g/g.
  2. In addition, the magnetic water's refracting power and absorption rate are changing with the light frequency.
  3. The Acting Company has international distribution of products on the most advanced decay resistance pump, no leakage of magnetic pumps, high-temperature magnetic pumps, plastic magnetic fluoride pump, since the magnetic suction pump, pump FRP acid, fluoride plastic alloy pump, chemical pumps, Self-suction pumps, Self-absorption sewage pumps, self-priming centrifugal pumps, pipes pump, multi-stage pump, pneumatic diaphragm pump, liquid pumps, shielding pump, pump, and so widely used in dense oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, electroplating, Metallurgy, environmental protection, power, laser equipment, rare earth, scientific research institutions, national defense industry, construction, sewage treatment, urban water supply and drainage, and other fields, by the majority of users praise!
  4. In the research of advanced key techniques, the technique of nano-catalyst is developed and tested according to the requirement for the catalytic flame stablizer gas turbine and the related reaction model wil be fully construced. In the aspect of hydrogen shift and separation process, we are going to probe into various operating parameters for the water shift reaction and the membrane reactor alread constructed. Also, the high efficiency DPMS-based hydrogen shift and separation system that carry out both water gas shift and pressure swing absorption will be tested. The main task this year is to construct the proto-type clean hybrid power generation system.
  5. Measured the energy produced by the engine power machine absorption, and in the form of heat taken away by water.
  6. The bee pollen of buckwheat extracts showed strong scavenging effects on the antioxidation of superoxidized anionic and the bee pollen of tea showed strong inhibitory effect on the hydroxyl radical and the bee pollen of rape extracts showed strong inhibitory effect on the lipid peroxidantion.3: All extractions obtained by using different of solvents, such as water, alcohol, methanol have the power to scavenge on free radicals, with the order of methanol, alcohol, water.4: By comparing static and dynamic absorption performance, we found that macropore adsorptive resin AB-8 had highest performance in absorbing flavones.
  7. For clinical reference dosimetry of external beam radiation therapy, a protocol written by Task Group 51 of the Radiation Therapy Committee of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine uses ion chamber with absorbed-dose-to-water calibration factor, which is traceable to national primary standards. This protocol represents a major simplification compared to the AAPM`s TG-21 protocol in the sense that large tables of stopping-power ratios and mass-energy absorption coefficients are not needed and the user dose not need to calculate any theoretical dosimetry factors.
    早期,要求得这些转换因子,游离腔必须在国家游离辐射标准实验室经过钴60射束空气克马校验法校验得到钴60射束空气克马转换因子,再藉由某些经过仔细验证过的剂量计算议定书;像是美国医学物理师协会(American Association of Physicists in Medicine,AAPM)於1984年发表的TG-21号议定书;根据实际射束的射质及量测仪器的材料,逐项求得不同的转换因子。
  8. In this paper, we have studied some optics properties of the magnetic water in the visible light. After the white light going through the magnetic water, the water`s refracting power and absorption rate increased, and the light intensity and illuminance are weakened.
  9. In this paper, we have studied some optics properties of the magnetic water in the visible light. After the white light going through the magnetic water, the waters refracting power and absorption rate increased, and the light intensity and illuminance are weakened.
  10. I plant the production of diameter 14-27MM sponge rubber sponge ball and emery ball, it has a texture of soft, flexible medium, strong resistance to abrasion, water absorption, and scaling performance, etc., are today's condensing steam turbine washing detergent skilled brass guitar can be hard when dirt washed emery ball, the current products have been sold nationwide in the power generation, chemical industry, metallurgy and other fields and have gained popularity and have become indispensable in these sectors of production tools, but also in these industries to save energy, reduce labor intensity, improve equipment utilization of essential supplies.
    我厂生产直径 14 -27MM 橡胶海绵球和金刚砂海绵球,它具有质地柔软、弹性适中、耐磨性强、吸水性好、除垢性能好等优点,是当今冲洗汽轮机凝结铜管除垢的能手,结硬垢时可采用金刚砂球冲洗,目前该产品已畅销全国发电、化工、冶金等领域并深受欢迎,并成为这些行业不可缺少的生产工具,同时也是这些行业节约能源、降低劳动强度、提高设备利用率的必备用品。
  11. Several types of refrigeration technology in fishing vessels were introduced, such as vapor compression refrigeration systems, heat recovery systems to power absorption refrigeration plant, adsorption systems for producing chilled water, and adsorption ice-mader systems.
  12. When 7% alfalfa powder of 100 mesh fineness was added, and the amount of water added was 47% of water absorption power, the sensory perception of the noodles was the best.
  13. The highest water absorption power of products was 260g/g and 327g/g respectively, and the highest 1% common salt solution absorption power was 54g/g and 69g/g respectively.
  14. The water dispersion impact the oil absorption and hiding power.
  15. This paper researches on the energy saving effect of lithium bromide - water absorption chillers which can be used in the inlet air cooling of combustion gas turbine power station and the recovery of waste heat of diesel locomotive exhaust gas.
  16. Scheme two: distribute part of the steam used for power generation to do heating, and recycle the waste heat of recycling cooling water by absorption heat pump.
  17. Application of Double-efficiency Absorption Cool Water Unit of Steam Type in Refrigerating System in Daba Electric Power Plant
  18. Indirect Determination of Trace Chlorine in Water of Power Plant by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  19. This paper introduced a new hot-water absorption chiller, the two-stage integral chiller, specially designed for combined cooling, heating and electric power generation.
  20. Research on Electric Field Penetration and Power Absorption in Planar Type Inductively Coupled Plasma Discharge; The more water that can be put down in the body of the pig the more efficient growth will be.

water absorption power

water absorption power


land: 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。
state: 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。
power: 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。
nation: 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。
country: 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。

might: 多指巨大或超人的力量。
strength: 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。
power: 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。
vigour: 指由生命元气的存在所产生的活力、精力。
force: 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。
energy: 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。

privilege: 特权
power: 力量,权力
right: 权利