wash out是什么意思 wash out在线中文翻译

wash out 英 [wɔʃ aut] 美 [wɑʃ aʊt]

wash out 词典解释


wash out 英英释义

  1. lose color in the process of being washed
    e.g. The expensive shirt washed out in the German washing machine
  2. drain off the color in the course of laundering
    e.g. The harsh soap washed out the delicate blouse
  3. deplete of strength or vitality
    e.g. The illness washed her out
  4. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent
    e.g. he washed the dirt from his coat
    e.g. The nurse washed away the blood
    e.g. Can you wash away the spots on the windows?
    e.g. he managed to wash out the stains
    Synonym: wash wash off wash away
  5. wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt
    e.g. Wash out your dirty shirt in the sink
  6. wear or destroy by the force of water
    e.g. The hail storms had washed out the bridges
  7. prevent or interrupt due to rain
    e.g. The storm had washed out the game
    Synonym: rain out

wash out [wɔʃ aut]

v. 洗掉
[网络] 洗出;冲洗;淘汰
wash out


explode: (炸弹)爆炸;
burst: (the ball)爆裂
break out: 爆发(战争);

burn up: 完全烧毁,烧光
burn out: 指“……内部全部烧毁”;

leave: 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
start: 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
depart: 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
quit: 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
set out: 书面用词。
go: 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。

invent: 发明本来不存在的物体,
discover: 发现本来存在但不为人所知的东西,
find out: 发现,查明 At last he found out the truth.

recognize: 指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。
identify: 指辨别、确定人的身份或物品的归属等。
make out: 通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。