unoccupied band是什么意思 unoccupied band在线中文翻译

unoccupied band

unoccupied band 双语例句

  1. On the one hand, the charge transfer between the complexes and the valence band is very fast, but the liberation of iodine, I〓, may be rather slow due to the interaction and/or the formation of complexes between donating electron species and the accessible Fe sites at the surface. Therefore, minority carriers (photo-induced holes) tend to accumulate in the FeS〓/electrolyte interface causing the flatband potential shift towards positive energy and the decrease of the maximum theoretical photovoltage. On the other hand, the occurrence of unoccupied surface states in the forbidden zone due to the strong chemical interaction of iodine with FeS〓 surface leads to the increase of both surface recombination dark current and tunneling dark current causing the decrease of open circuit photovoltage. The self-assembled monolayer of n-octadecylamine.
  2. By means of multiple-scattering cluster (MSC) method. we have calculated the Si K-edge NEXAFS spectra of c-Si. It is shown that the in formation of the density of states of Si unoccupied band is included in NEXAFS spectra.
  3. Furthermore, when several bands near the Fermi surface are taken into account, we find that the interband gaps within the unoccupied bands are generally smaller than those of the occupied bands, indicating that the electron can hop from one band to another which is much easier than the hole.
  4. Theoretical NEXAFS Studies of the Unoccupied Band of Crystal and Nanocrystal Silicon
  5. The highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of Alq3 band are located on the phenoxide site and pyridrl site on Alq3 molecule, respectively.
    在Alq3 的电子结构中,它的最高电子占据态以及最低电子位占据态分别坐落於 phenoxide 和pyridrl 上。

unoccupied band

unoccupied band


band: 指主要由铜、木管和打击乐所组成的乐队,主要演奏轻音乐和流行乐曲,与orchestra的主区别在于没有弦乐。
orchestra: 指规模大、最为完整的交响乐队,可演奏各种不同音乐,一般由弦乐、本管乐、铜管乐和打击乐所组成。

band: 多指一群有明确宗旨,为共同目的而结合在一起的人,常含贬义。
mob: 指无组织、乱七八糟凑合在一起的乌合之众,或指聚集在一起寻衅滋事的人群,多为暴徒。
masses: 指群众或人民大众。
gang: 常指从事非法、暴力或敌对活动的帮派或团伙。有时呈中性,词义同group。
swarm: 指人数众多,杂乱无章,不停移动的一群人。
group: 普通用词,通常指有组织、有秩序的一群人,也可指无意汇集在一起的一群人。
throug: 书面用词,意义接近crowd,侧重密集地挤在一起的一群,含挤在一起向前推进之意。
crowd: 常指无组织地乱哄哄地挤在一起的人群。