turret carriage是什么意思 turret carriage在线中文翻译

turret carriage

turret carriage 双语例句

  1. The main components of the lathe are the headstock and tailstock at the oppoaite ends of a bed, and a tool-post between them which holds the cutting tool. the tool-post stands on a cross-side which enblesit to move sidewards across the saddle or carriage as well as along it, depending on the kind of job it is doing. the ordinary centre lathe can accommodat only one tool at at time on tool-post, but a turret lathe is capable of holding five or more tools on the revolving tueeet.
  2. In a traditional turret machine, this is influenced by the movement and tolerance of the feeder carriage.
  3. The most common form of lathe is the turret lathe it consists of a horizontal bed supporting the headstock, the carriage and the turret.
  4. Colt was flat turret type, the structure of beams 918 columns, the roof ridge 72, the middle of an ding copper gold, 灵秀vivid image, the south-pointing carriage, move turret walls ancient building itself, the main hope for the defense Liao, such as the Forbidden City神品turret, but it is for the unique, beautiful shape for its infinite charm added to the Forbidden City.

turret carriage

turret carriage


car: 多指乘坐人的小汽车或轿车。
bus: 一般指公共汽车或大型客车。
truck: 与lorry同义,都指卡车或货车,前者为美国用词,后者用于英国。
coach: 原义指四轮马车,现指轿式汽车,长途公共汽车,还可指火车设有卧铺的车厢。
automobile: 是汽车的总称。
jeep: 吉普车,指一种小型轻便、适合在崎岖路面或野外使用的车子。
carriage: 指马车,两匹或两匹以上马拉的四轮马。
waggon: 指四轮运货马车或牛车,也指铁路的无盖货车。