take an objection to是什么意思 take an objection to在线中文翻译

take an objection to

take an objection to 双语例句

  1. Take/give a glance at throw/cast light on/upon take notice of take /make an objection to take pains take part in take place take the place of take possession of take pride in take the resolution to do sth.
  2. If an objection is sustained, the evidence will be stricken or the jury will be instructed not to take it into account in rendering the verdict.
  3. I argue that the positions of Marx and Rawls can be reconciled if we take Marx's objection to markets as fundamentally an objection to the'fetishism of commodities'.
  4. Set the fashion set fire to set a trap substitute for sth. take into account take account of take advantage of take care take care of take a chance take charge of take comfort in take command of take into consideration take delight in take one's departure take effect take one's farewell of sb. take/give a glance at throw/cast light on/upon take notice of take /make an objection to take pains take part in take place take the place of take possession of take pride in take the resolution to do sth. take the responsibility for take/bear one's share of take the firm stand take a stand for sth. take one's temperature take one's time take turns thanks to throw a scare into sb.
  5. Set/give a good example to sb. set the fashion set fire to set a trap substitute for sth. take into account take account of take advantage of take care take care of take a chance take charge of take comfort in take command of take into consideration take delight in take one's departure take effect take one's farewell of sb. take/give a glance at throw/cast light on/upon take notice of take /make an objection to take pains take part in take place take the place of take possession of take pride in take the resolution to do sth. take the responsibility for take/bear one's share of take the firm stand take a stand for sth.
    throw/cast/put into the shade try one's fortune 冒险在------中设置障碍对-----提出要求给某人树立榜样创立新式样点燃设陷阱代替物考虑考虑利用,趁-----之机注意,当心照料,照顾冒险,投机接管,管理在------中得到安慰指挥考虑以------为乐动身,出发生效,起作用向某人道别对-----初略地看一下使人了解某事注意到反对----努力,尽力参加发生,进行取代,代替占有,占领以-----自豪决心做某事负起做某事的责任承担自己的一份坚定立场赞成某事量体温不着急依次,轮流由于吓坏某人使逊色,使相形见绌碰运气知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

take an objection to

take an objection to


take: 与receive同意,是receive的日常用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。
accept: 强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。
admit: 作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。
receive: 着重仅仅接到或收到这一支轮船或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。

take part in: 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。
attend: 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。
participate: 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。
join: 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。

convey: 指通过中间人传递信息,或以某种方式把人或物送到目的地。
fetch: 指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。
get: 口语用词,与fetch基本同义,语气随便。
transport: 指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。
take: 指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。
bring: 指从某处把人或物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点,强调方向,不着重方式。
carry: 指把物品从一个地方带到另一个地方,不涉及方向,只强调方式。

take place: 多指通过人为安排的发生。
chance: 侧重事前无安排或无准备而发生的事,特指巧合。
happen: 普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。
occur: 较正式用词,可指意外地发生,也可指意料中的发生。

grasp: 指紧紧抓住、抓牢。
grab: 指粗暴而急迫的抓住。
clasp: 指用手紧握或用臂紧抱。
seize: 指突然抓住某物,强调突然的猛烈动作。
take: 最普通用词,不带感情色彩。指用手抓、取某东西或控制某物。
clutch: 强调匆忙、紧急地抓、抓紧。
grip: 语气比grasp强,指用手的最大力量紧紧抓住。
snatch: 指突然抢走,侧重动作更快或更具暴力性质。

take: 物做主语,花时间;
pay: 人做主语,花钱,pay for;
cost: 物做主语,花钱
spend: 人做主语,花钱,花时间; spend…on sth./in doing sth;

take: 普通用词,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等,其主语可以是人,也可以是一件事情。
expend: 较正式用词,通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力。
cost: 指花费时间、金钱、劳力等。其主语是物,而不能由人充当,也不用被动形式。
spend: 普通用词,与cost基本同义,但主语必须是人。

take part in: 参加大型的活动He joined the army five years ago.
join in: 参加小型的活动, join sb. in;
join: 加入某个组织,并成为其中的一员;