serial mean是什么意思 serial mean在线中文翻译

serial mean

serial mean 双语例句

  1. Men with a mean age of 538years underwent serial exercise testing 3 to 52 weeks after myocardial infarction.
    155例男性患者(平均年龄为53 8岁)在心肌梗塞后3-52周进行了一系列的运动试验。
  2. Establishing the Precipitation Forecast by Utilizing the Double Optimized Subsets of Multi-factors Screening and Mean-value Generated Function Serial
  3. MIYA's major product line include Self Drlling Screw serial and mean-while we also have sub production line for Drywall Screw, Chipboard Screw and Tapping etc.
  4. More sophisticated entrepreneurs know that equity can mean a great deal. Typically, those who demand a bigger piece of the pie are the inventor/founders who put up more seed capital, and serial entrepreneurs who bring a track record.
  5. According to this theory, if the tumor cells, which have enhanced malignant potency after clonal selection by the mean of serial passage in mice, were purified and inoculated to the mices again, the growth speed and metastatic ability of the tumor cells should be enhanced.
  6. The same sampled point was sampled many times with the electron balance through the serial communication on the chip, and then root mean square was calculated to gain higher accuracy and make the resolution rate reach mg grade.
  7. Genetic time warping has some advantages over Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Serial Multi-path Searching Algorithm (SMS): (1) The normalization factor is related to the actual warping path, which makes the comparison of the mean distortion of different warping paths more reasonable.
  8. I mean, that's hardly the pattern of a serial killer.
  9. Methods: We convert the diagnosis of war trauma into codes. Serial numbers from 1 to 8 mean the locations of war trauma;

serial mean

serial mean


mean: 中间,中数
average: 平均数,一般水平

mean: 暗示狠毒、贪婪、缺乏尊严感等为人们所不耻的卑鄙、自私、渺小的行为。
shabby: 指行为的不公和卑劣而使人感到不屑和轻蔑。
cheap: 侧旨人或物的品质低劣下贱。
low: 指行为卑鄙、可耻、下文明,可引申指庸俗。

denote: 指某一词字面或狭义的意思,或指某些符号或迹象的特指含义。
indicate: 指明显的表示。
imply: 侧重用文字或符号表示的联想,暗示。
mean: 最普通用词。指文字或符号等所表示的各种明确的或含蓄的意义。
suggest: 通常指暗含地、隐晦地表达意思。
signify: 指用文字、说话或表情等表示单纯的意思。
represent: 指体现或代表。

mean: 口语多用,指怀有作某事的想法或希望得到某物,特别用于效果不好而动机良好的场合。
intend: 较正式用词,但常用,指对未来的行动做出打算,并力争实现。