present marriage是什么意思 present marriage在线中文翻译

present marriage

present marriage 双语例句

  1. At present, there are only a few nations on earth state the legality of same-sex marriage clearly, the tendency of decriminalisation of homosexual marriage are coming to light however.
  2. The proxy shall clearly be included the time of marriage registration and contractor agency, present marriage status, entrusted reasons, the entrustee`s name and the number of identification card.
  3. Based on the advanced legislative and judicial experiences in major foreign countries and districts, this article gives a wide and deep explanation about the present legislation and limitation of the Matrimonial community debt system in China. After that, this article suggests that the Matrimonial community debt system in China should be perfected, so as to improve the legislation level of Chinese marriage law.
  4. Chapter 3 introduces the present legislative and judicial situations of the Matrimonial community debt system in our country, points out the imperfections of the Matrimonial community debt on the Chinese existing marriage legislation.
  5. At present, the vast majority of countries and regions, the provisions of the monogamous marriage, which means that there is only one partner is in line with the interests of the overwhelming majority of people.
  6. O I feel a divine jealousy for you, for I promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
    o 我为你们起的愤恨,原是神那样的愤恨。因为我曾把你们许配一个丈夫,要把你们如同贞洁的童女,献给基督。
  7. With the development of the Chinese society, legal rules as to the styles and stipulations in the present Act of Marriage fall behind the social development, Thus the writer in the article thinks that the amendments ID the Act is inevitable. The writer hence puts forth the suggestion as follows; to extend the ranges of prohibiting the marriage concerning the diseases which inhibits the marriage; to add the proclamation; to add an article stipulating the nullity of the marriage
  8. At present, availability of hot school district is mainly Housing Housing and marriage, especially after the'80'Housing for the marriage to be a great demand for the release.
  9. Then saaruua who united with bunun by marriage also followed to this tribe. Therefore, at the very beginning, there was only three ethnic groups in kanakanavu tribe. However, for the purpose of centralized management, Japan government gathered the ethnic groups near the three settlement patterns in the programmed Nakisaru, Magacu and Tanganuwa. While the three settlement grew out of the present three villages in the tribe (Mintsu village, Minchuan village and Minsheng village).
  10. If youve watched your parents and other friends and seen how they dealt with aging, you might be able to get clues to how you will age. We all form our beliefs off of our observations that we make from the time we are young to the present day. Our beliefs can change over time, but usually we have a lot of the beliefs that our parents gave to us (either from mimicking them or from doing the exact opposite of what they did). I outline all of the different types of Marriage Blueprints that couples can have; find out which one you belong to.
  11. The present article has introduced the ethic concepts of Tatar nationality from its people s daily social life, marriage and religious customs, arts and political morality.
  12. Then the author discusses the marital rape from the perspective of marriage contract, the history of spouse`s rights of sex request and the present marriage law.
  13. The current lawmaking of our country denies the putative marriage, so relationships between men and women main present as marriage and unmarried cohabitation which is not illegal.
  14. In your message on IASK, you didn't talk about present situation of your marriage, but only asked how to prepare for divorce.
  15. At present, Australian has established " best interests of children in marriage family law legislation middle giving priority to principle ".
  16. Meanwhile, traditional ethics of marriage is reduced step by step, coupled with the weakening of responsibility and obligation, enable people to pay more attention to present enjoyment and value at social levels, finally lead to the ethical crisis of marriage.
  17. There are some flaws in the stipulation of present Chinese law on crime of bigamy, such as the stipulation of marriage, spouses the marriage of fact, which is not strict enough.
  18. Uygur cross-national marriage phenomenon is at present the field and habitus, capital under the combined action of results.
  19. The present article has introduced the ethic concepts of Tatar nationality from its peoples daily social life, marriage and religious customs, arts and political morality.
  20. The Prince made that courtier a splendid present as a reward for this good news, and at once sent ambassadors to ask Princess Rosebud's hand in marriage.

present marriage 单语例句

  1. They only need to present their identification cards to be declared man and wife by the marriage registration offices of the civil affairs authority.
  2. Infertile couples must present their identity cards, marriage certificates and birth permits to show they are eligible for treatment.
  3. At present, many companies can arrange such traditional marriage ceremony for new couples.
  4. They need to present their marriage certificates to ticket offices to claim the discount.
  5. As a result those who undergo the procedure are no longer required to present the results to the marriage registrar.

present marriage

[网络] 现存婚姻
present marriage


wedding: 普通用词,指婚礼上的结婚仪式以及随之而来的庆祝活动。
marriage: 普通用词,含义广,指婚烟关系及婚后生活,也可指结婚仪式。

confer: 通常指授予称号或学位等。
present: 指正式地给予或授予,通常伴有仪式进行。
endow: 指捐赠大量的钱作基金,也可指给予非物质的东西。
grant: 多指出于慷慨、怜悯或正义感而给予,并且通常是在被请求下给予。
give: 最普通用词,泛指将自己的东西给予他人,所给予的东西,物质或非物质的均可。
award: 通常暗示所给予的东西是接受者应得的,而且给予者往往是具有裁判权力的。
accord: 侧重所给予的是应得的或是恰当的,或是因某种原因而适于接受的。
bestow: 正式用词,指把某物作为礼物赠送于某人,也可作引申用。

equip: 侧重提供与技术有关的装备或设备等
furnish: 多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或为生活舒适提供所需的服务设施
present: 既可指提出意见建议等,又可指拿出某物供人欣赏或赠送
provide: 与supply近义,但强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用贮备等方法作充分准备
volunteer: 侧重出于自愿,而不是奉命做某事
propose: 指直接而主动地提出问题或建议等,也指在讨论或争辩中提出具体意见或建议
supply: 普通用词,指提供任何所需求的东西
offer: 多指主动提出或提供意见或东西等,但是否接受由对方自行决定
afford: 一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付

modern: 指现代或近代,时期可长可短。也可指新颖、时髦的。
present: 是这些词中语气最强的一个。指现在正发生、起作用的。
up-to-date: 一般用于非正式场合,指很时新、能反映当前的最新发展。
contemporary: 仅指当今这个时代,不涉及任何过去的时代。但可表示不同的人或物存在于同一时代。
current: 指目前存在和发生的。
recent: 表示新近的,最近的,时间的长短依据所修饰的人或物而定。

present: 普通用词,指给亲朋好友的礼物,赠者与被赠者之间存在某种个人关系,所赠礼物一般不是很昂贵的。
gift: 含义广,既可指真诚相送的礼物、赠品或生日、节日礼物,又可指捐赠的物品或捐款等。
souvenir: 指对人、物、地点或事件有纪念意义的礼物或纪念品。
tip: 指为酬谢他人服务而给的小费。