plate mill stand是什么意思 plate mill stand在线中文翻译

plate mill stand

plate mill stand 双语例句

  1. According to AGMA standards, the required service factors are 1.75 for pitting resistance, and 2.0 for bending strength for hot strip mill non reversing finishing stands which is the suitable application for the AH checkered plate mill stand.
  2. This is our double - stand heavy plate mill line.
  3. Investigation on Load Distribution and Output Optimization of Two Stand Medium Plate Mill
  4. The plate mill will be equipped with an additional roughing stand which will increase the capacity of the plant to 1.8 million metric tons per year.
  5. The global 2-high hot mill/2 or 3 stand 4-high tandem mill line for aluminium plate and strip were reviewed.
  6. The new roughing mill rolling stand will be integrated into the automation environment of the heavy-plate rolling mill which has already been implemented according to the Siroll PM concept.
  7. The scale of the proportional crown value fluctuation of the whole HSM was calculated in the beginning and then it was assigned to each stand according to the proportion of the reduction ratio of this stand to the whole reduction ratios. As a result, the crown after each stand can be calculated. With the appropriate setup of the proportion crown and the crown, to each stand, keeping the flatness under control and the on-gauge plate can be achieved during the CVC Hot Strip Mill.
  8. The stand's deformation of plate type cross wedge rolling mill is mainly caused by the deformation of moulding board, which stiffness capability affects product quality to great extent.
  9. Based on measured data of steel plate rolled by single stand 2500 four high reversing mill, the prediction model for front end bending behavior has been established by artificial neural network method.
  10. Medium Plate Plant of Chongqing Iron Steel has reconstructed technically the original two stand rolling mills (roughing mill and finishing mill) and changed DC drive system into AC frequency converter drive system.
  11. This paper presents the major technologies of heavy plate mills, including formation of the mills, rigidity, mill stand design, hydraulic roll positioning device, transverse shape control technique, quick roll changing device, main driving technology and etc.
  12. This is our double-stand heavy plate mill line.

plate mill stand

plate mill stand


dish: 是盘子的总称。
plate: 指供个人分菜食用的盘子。

plant: 多指电力或机械制造方面的工厂。
mill: 原义指粮食加工厂。现多指轻工业类的工厂。
factory: 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。
works: 多指钢铁等重工业方面的工厂,也指一些特定的厂。

withstand: 指因具有一定实力、权力或能力而能忍受某种情况。
tolerate: 指以自我克制的态度,对待令人反感或厌恶的东西,含默认宽容意味。
stand: 口语用词,常可与hear换用,但前者侧重指经受得起,后者强调容忍,是普通用语。
endure: 书面用词,指长时间忍受痛苦和不幸,着重体力或意志力的坚强不屈服。
suffer: 通常指非自愿或被迫忍受各种痛苦、困难或不快,强调受到苦难。
abide: 指忍受长期的痛苦或折磨,强调耐心和屈从。多用于否定句和疑问句中。

position: 指对看法有分歧的问题所表示较冷静和节制的态度,常常是经认真考虑后决定的。
attitude: 普通用词,指对于事情的看法和采取的行动,多带不很显确或不便说明的感情色彩。
stand: 常指某人对某一问题的看法或立场,有时含个人感情色彩。

withstand: 经受,承受,指顶住外来的压力和攻势。如:They have withstood all test.(他们经受了一切考验。)
bear: 忍受,容忍,指忍受使人悲痛、烦恼或痛苦的事情。如:It is hard to bear to be laughed at.(被人取笑是难以忍受的。)
tolerate: 容忍,容许,指自我克制的态度,对于令人反感的事没有任何抗议。如:I can’t tolerate him if he goes on like that. (他如果继续这样下去的话,我决不会容忍他。)
stand: 忍受,与bear同义,但较口语化。如:She can’t stand having nothing to do.(没事干,她受不了。)
endure: 忍耐,书面语,指长时间经受痛苦而不屈服。如:It takes patience to endure hardships. 忍受苦难需要耐力。)

situate: 通常用过去分词作表语,指某城镇、乡村或某物等的地理位置与环境的关系,即在何处。
stand: 多指建筑物等被想象为主体的物体立于某处。
lie: 最常用词,不及物,指国家、城镇、道路、湖海等所处的位置。