noise damage是什么意思 noise damage在线中文翻译

noise damage

noise damage 双语例句

  1. Noise may cause damage to our bearing.
  2. The health experts say many persons develop permanent hearing damage because of increasing levels of noise in the environment.
  3. Minimum flow rate, also known as automatic recirculation valve return valve for centrifugal pump minimum flow of auto recycling, installed in the pump discharge, the pump provides the most economical and reliable protection, the pump can run at low load when a small volume of medium recycling to ensure the pump's minimum flow to maintain the stable operation of the pump, to prevent the centrifugal pump at low load Plug Valves as overheating, noise, vibration and damage.
  4. Fetal inner ear by noise stimulation, the brain can damage parts of the region, and seriously affect the intellectual development.
  5. The results show that the vector not only has good identifiable ability, damage sensitivity and noise robustness, and it can keep its adaptability to some extent to the error of structural finite element model.
  6. In this paper, the damage to actual system and the causes of its existence are analyzed. Considering the inherent random disturbance and noise in servo system, a SMC algorithm with exponent approach law based on Kalman filtering is proposed.
  7. Vehicle's collision with the speed control hump would lead to vehicle damage, driving unconfort, noise pollution and speed control hump would lead to damage. The units of speed control hump were laid dividually in transverse direction to solve the problems. Inequations were given to guarantee that vehicles would not tilt when passing speed control hump would lead to.
  8. Evaluation and to find ways to control noise and as a result of the operation of our damage.
  9. Pump severe vibration or noise: Cause: Installation is not strong or the water pump install water pump too high; motor ball bearing damage; water pump shaft and motor shaft bending or misalignment, not parallel and so on.
  10. In the communication systems with present encoding formats, the bit rate upgrade to 40Gb/s gives rise to intensive damage of signal by nonlinear effects, while causes double increase of PMD penalty, serious deterioration of signal-to-noise ratio, and lower spectrum efficiency.
  11. High bit rate is the important parameters in broad band access network. In this paper, three factors influencing bit rate is studied. Firstly, the physical speciality of transmission line is analyzed. Propagation loss is derived by physical model. Optimum performance on special subscriber line can be achieved with special bandwidth. White noise and crosstalk can damage channel performance. Secondly, in order to fit nonuniform transmission property of the channel, multicarrier modulation is adopted.
    首先分析了信道的物理特性,定量说明了线路衰减对增加带宽的制约,并分析了线路固有噪声对信道信噪比和速率的影响;接着研究了调制技术对于速率的影响,宽带信道由于信噪比随频率分布的不均匀性,采用多载波调制是最优选择,本文着重研究了DMT和WPM调制;另外由于多载波调制中的DMT调制利用的是FFT算法,因而如何高效地在DSP上实现FFT算法也是一个重要问题,本文对C62x DSP上的并行算法作了详细研究。
  12. Using a dedicated computer dedicated environment-friendly cleaning products to kill viruses and bacteria efficient and thorough removal of dirt, to reduce the computer virus damage on the human body, enabling the conservation of computer-generated film, play the effect of conservation to ensure the stable operation of the computer to reduce the noise and speed up the dissemination of heat to extend the service life.
  13. Due to the existence of unbalance self-force in high-speed rotating mechanical device, the vibration accompanying with running machine usually causes noise, which reduces the machine performance or damage the machine.
  14. Draft, dripping eaves of buildings not directly drug infusions in adjacent properties; Installation of air-conditioning and other facilities, not because of water dripping, noise adjacent to the right people damage.
  15. In order to improve seismic data quality, three techniques were developed, including edge-preserved smoothing, principal component analysis, coherence-enhancing diffusion filtering. These methods have good ability to suppress noise and improve signal-to-noise ratio with little damage to data, and can preserve edge characters, which has benefits to some seismic attributes extraction, especially to coherence cube and edge detection.
  16. It is indicated in red. It is covered by a thin metal plate. This bearing is easy to suffer water damage because of its position, and then it makes noise and fine vibration like gear noise. If it makes some noise or vibration when you put it on a pen and spin it with light thrust, please replace it with new one. This bearing should be lubricated with grease because it receives large thrust from pinion gear.
  17. The influence of structural nonlinear and systemic noise was considered, so that the accuracy of damage testing has been improved.
  18. Studying the method to improve noise resistance of the damage identification system.
  19. Is usually the valve in the small opening under high flow valve, the valve will be formed in the strong turbulence of the vortex area, scroll areas and the new low pressure, where pressure is lower than the saturation temperature corresponding water vapor pressure to play a leading soft drinks hammer flash: serious noise, vibration of the valve and pipe, valves, pipe, tube damage.
  20. The damage of impulse noise on high frequency hearing loss was more than that of continuous noise according to equal energy rule.

noise damage 单语例句

  1. There's a cumulative effect - more noise for longer is more likely to damage your hearing.
  2. " Sound bombs " or percussion grenades make a deafening noise but rarely cause much serious damage.
  3. Noise levels exceeding 105 decibels can damage hearing if endured for more than 15 minutes, according to Britain's Health and Safety Executive.
  4. That's because loud noise doesn't always damage the delicate inner ear immediately just by brute force.

noise damage

noise damage


voice: 人的嗓音,
sound: 自然界各种各样的声音,
noise: 噪音I hate the loud noise outside.

destroy: 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。
break: 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。
wreck: 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。
ruin: 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。
spoil: 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。
damage: 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。

damages: 复数形式, 赔偿金 $900 damages
damage: 不可数名词, 损害,损失;

destroy: 指十分彻底的毁坏,破坏。如:The whole city was destroyed in the earthquake.( 地震中整个城市被毁了。)
harm: 多指带来悲痛,产生恶果的伤害,可以是肉体的也可是精神的。如:Doctors say smoking harms our health.(医生说吸烟对身体有害。)
ruin: 为正式用词,强调由于自然力或时间的作用而逐渐损坏,用于比喻时也指彻底毁坏名声,期望等。如:She poured water all over my painting and ruined it. (她把水倒在画上,把它毁了。)另外,ruin的复数形式ruins表“废墟”。
damage: 一般指部分性的破坏,含可修复使用。

harm: 主要用于有生命的东西,语气略强于injure,指引起严重的痛苦和损伤;有时也用于抽象事物,指造成任何不良后果。
hurt: 普通用词,较口语化,侧重指给有生命的东西造成机体上或精神、感情上的或轻或重的伤害。
damage: 通常指对无生命物体的损害,并有降低其价值,破坏其功能等的后果。
disable: 强调使伤残。
injure: 较hurt正式,多用于有生命的事物。既可指伤害别人的事物。即可指伤害别人的健康、外貌、自尊心、名誉等,又可指使别人受伤或东西受损,同时含有受伤害部分至少暂时丧失功能的意味。
wound: 专指对身体的重伤,尤指在战斗中受的伤,强调外部创伤;也可指精神方面的伤害。