mask target是什么意思 mask target在线中文翻译

mask target

mask target 双语例句

  1. A node transmits its seed value and punchout mask to target nodes with which it wants to establish communication links, and those target nodes each use the seed value and punchout mask to generate the randomly ordered channel hopping band plan for that node.
  2. According to the known mask, image can be separated into target region and source region.
  3. The nocturnal civet grows more than three times a meerkat's length at about 1.4 meters (4.6 ft) and is a beautifully patterned animal with a bandit face mask and a jaguar-like pelt, which unfortunately makes it a regular hunting target.
  4. Aiming at this case, this thesis proposed an improved infrared dim-small target detection algorithm based on the mask image. It can better achieve the background suppression and target detection rate.
  5. If you use utility JAR files, the wizards may write Java classes to the target project that will mask preexisting classes with the same name in other projects, modules, or JAR files.
  6. The experiment 2 showed that, when both the mask screen number and ISI increased, the identifying rate of target decreased gradually, and when ISI increased to 6, we saw target first, then mask, with the identifying rate of over 91%.
  7. The experiment 2 showed that, when both the mask screen number and ISI increased, the identifying rate of target decreased gradually, and when ISI increased to 6, we saw target first, then mask, with the identifying rate of over 91 %.

mask target

mask target


aim: 从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。
goal: 指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。
purpose: 普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。
end: 指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。
target: 指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。
object: 强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。
objective: 与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。书面用词。

cloak: 指采取伪装来掩盖或隐藏真实面目或本性或企图。
mask: 本义为“面罩”,引申“掩饰”解时,指掩饰某物的真实性质或存在的伪装。
disguise: 指改变装束或外表以掩饰自己的真面目或冒充他人。有时仅指掩饰感情、动机或意图。