kassel是什么意思 kassel在线中文翻译

Kassel 英 [ˈkæsəl,ˈkɑ:s-] 美 [ˈkæsəl, ˈkɑsəl]

Kassel 双语例句

  1. Officials from the family, had a history of the law school at the University of Marburg, with the library in Kassel and Seeger hienghene large Professor, at the same time in 1841 to become Green's Academy of Sciences.
  2. In [3], Kassel gaveHopf *-algebra structures on GL_q(2) and SL_q (2), and also described those on thequantum enveloping algebra U_qsl(2 in detail.
    Kassel在[3]中给出了GL_q(2)和SL_q(2)上的Hopf *-代数结构,并且对量子化包络代数U_q sl
  3. By 1734 he was a violinist at the Kassel court, travelling in England, France, Italy and elsewhere.
  4. Our Art Today publications has special columns for invited noted art reviewers and curators, such as Zhu Qi, Shu Yang and Zhang Qikai, as well as specially invited noted Swiss collector Uli Sigg who was involved in the holding of the DOCUMENTA in KASSEL, Wang Baoju, editor-in-chief of Art Today Publications has also written an article, to discuss academic theories on major world exhibitions and the status quo and future of art. These serve as success stories and failure lessons for modern Chinese artists to learn from.
  5. Through their shrewd business transactions they successfully bought out or dismantled most of the competition in Europe. In 1769, Meyer became a court agent for Prince William IX of Hesse-Kassel, who was the grandson of George II of England, a cousin to George III, a nephew of the King of Denmark, and a brother- in-law to the King of Sweden.
  6. Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, offers to sponsor Bessler and his invention.
  7. In 1716, Landgrave Karl of Hessen-Kassel got interested in the machine, and the German mathematician and philosopher Leibniz recommended to invite Bessler, who followed the invitation.
    在1716年,卡尔领地的黑森州,卡塞尔有兴趣的机器,德国数学家和哲学家莱布尼茨建议邀请Bessler ,谁遵循了邀请。
  8. Various works during this period, such as Camera astratta (1987) commissioned by Documenta 8 in Kassel and winner of the Ubu Prize took their research into the area of theatre and performance, finding an original way of bringing together theatre action and video image with the invention of the double scene, based on the live interaction between the body of the actor and the virtual space of the video.
  9. In 1977 and 1987, she participated in the documenta (6 and 8) in Kassel.
  10. The original work had participated in Documenta 12 in Kassel, Germany.
    作品原作曾参加 2007德国卡塞尔文献展。
  11. Fang: This is, in fact, a development direction of the modern western art - regarding art as a part of document, hence the advent of the Kassel Documenta. The understanding of art in modern society has undergone great changes, and I sense kind of a method of photograph shop from your artwork.
  12. As collector of formerly Western contemporary art he now has formed the most substantial collection of contemporary Chinese art in the world. He also established 1997 the Chinese Contemporary Art Award, an art award for Chinese contemporary artists living in China. He is a member of the International Council of New York MOMA and International Advisory Councils of Tate Gallery, London, and documenta, Kassel.
  13. In 1992, when he exhibited Descent into Limbo (1992) at Documenta in Kassel, audiences were confronted by a black hole that looked like a circle of carpet.
  14. But experts on artificial intelligence and automation said the incident near Kassel should be understood as an extremely rare industrial accident, rather than a warning about future threats.
  15. From Germany-from Kassel-with all science and effortless.
  16. The kassel Christmas market's food options range from fried reindeer to pizza.
  17. The art crowd arrived in Kassel coming from the Basel Artfair.
  18. Kurt Rohrig of ISET, a solar-research institute at the University of Kassel, predicts somewhat heroically that wind power in Germany will reach saturation by2038.
  19. Yang Fudong participated in the11th Documenta (Kassel, 2002).
  20. Kassel Documenta is a prestigious international art exhibition.

Kassel 单语例句

  1. The filmmakers will also go to Kassel to shoot Fairytale, and the result will be a documentary film of six to 10 hours.
  2. Documenta was initiated in 1955 by the artist and art educator Arnold Bode in Kassel.

Kassel ['kæsәl, 'kɑ:s-]
