go off是什么意思 go off在线中文翻译

go off 英 [ɡəu ɔf] 美 [ɡo ɔf]

go off 词典解释


go off 网络解释

  1. ...你不得不对这种独特的疯狂语言叹为观止,因为房子烧毁可以说成burn up或burn down,填表格可以是fill in或fill out,闹钟也是因运转(go on)而作响(go off)....
  2. 爆炸
    ...36.go into 进入,调查 | 37.go off 爆炸 | 38.go on 进行,继续...
  3. 离开
    ...go off with 拿去 | go off 离开 | go on a fishing expedition 试探一下...

go off 英英释义

  1. burst inward
    e.g. The bottle imploded
    Synonym: implode
  2. be discharged or activated
    e.g. the explosive devices went off
  3. happen in a particular manner
    e.g. how did your talk go over?
    Synonym: come off go over
  4. go off or discharge
    e.g. The gun fired
    Synonym: fire discharge
  5. stop running, functioning, or operating
    e.g. Our power went off during the hurricane
  6. run away
    usually includes taking something or somebody along
    e.g. The thief made off with our silver
    e.g. the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe
    Synonym: abscond bolt absquatulate decamp run off make off

go off [ɡəu ɔf]

na. 进行得 (well; badly);(话等)冒出
[网络] 爆炸;离开;离去
go off


suspend: 指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。
defer: 正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。
postpone: 正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。
prolong: 指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。
delay: 普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。
put off: 口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。

pay off: 还清pay off the debt
pay back: 还钱,但不一定还清,
pay for: 为…付钱, pay for the book,