galicia是什么意思 galicia在线中文翻译

Galicia 英 [ɡəˈliʃiə] 美 [ɡəˈlɪʃə, -iə]

Galicia 网络解释

  1. 加利西亚
    ...几乎波兰全部的重工业可以被用来为纳粹提供战争物资. 当然,俄国人也得到许多富于价值的东西,比如交通中心布列斯特-立托夫斯克,也是富裕的农田,还有最重要的,加利西亚(Galicia)油田. 德国:法国在东部边境开枪,...
  2. 加力西亚
    ...现有一20尺柜集装箱的西班牙门西亚(Mencia)红酒,总数为12000瓶,酒精度数11. 红酒将由西班牙加力西亚(Galicia)发货....
  3. 加利西亚省(西班牙)
    ...florence 佛罗伦萨(意大利) | Galicia 加利西亚省(西班牙) | Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙)...

Galicia 双语例句

  1. JOHN BARLOW, a British expatriate in Galicia, the rain-swept region of the Spanish north-west that gave birth to Franco, has an odd ambition: to eat every bit of a pig, from its tail to its snout.
  2. Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Galicia with hot deals and special offers.
  3. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Galicia cheap.
  4. The region of Galicia, in the north west of the country is gaining in popularity.
  5. It is the third match in Galicia for Milan.
  6. Galicia is famous in Spain for its fish and as the largest consumer of octopus in the world.
  7. In 1996, this journey lead them to led them to Galicia and this resulted in Santiago.
  8. In this way asidism gradually branched out into two main divisions:(1) in the Ukraine and in Galicia and (2) in Lithuania.
    这样asidism逐渐分支出去的两个主要部门:( 1 )在乌克兰和在加利西亚和( 2 )在立陶宛。
  9. Its exploitation requires previous debarking, which makes this lignocellulosic material, mainly used as a fuel, the most abundant industrial waste in the timber industry of Galicia, with an output of approximately 100000 t/year.
    其剥削要求前debarking ,这就使这一木质纤维材料,主要用作燃料,最丰富的工业废料在木材工业的加利西亚,产量约100万t /年。
  10. Following the Austrian offensive into Italy in May and an Italian appeal for aid, the Russians launch a premature offensive south of the Pripet Marshes aimed at Galicia in what turns out to be their last great action of the Russian Front - the Brusilov Offensive.
  11. Although some reckon as islands of Ocean the twin promontories of Galicia and Lusitania, where are still to be seen the Temple of Hercules on one and Scipio's Monument on the other, yet since they are joined to the extremity of the Galician country, they belong rather to the great land of Europe than to the islands of Ocean.
  12. After touring in support of the record, Nu馿z took time off to research the connections between his native Galicia and the music of the south and east, which led to Os Amores Libres in 2000, another star-studded disc — over 80 guests this time around, from Jackson Browne to Waterboy Mike Scott, and inevitably, the odd Chieftain — which took his sound in an entirely new direction, opening up fresh landscapes for Galician music and keeping him ahead of a pack which was growing behind him, while showing that he was more than just a remarkable instrumentalist, but also a serious scholar of the genre.
    这些就产生了2000年的专辑Os Amores Libres。这是又一张明星聚集的专辑——至少80个特邀嘉宾出现,包括Ackson Browne、Waterboy Mike Scott,当然,不可少的是 Chieftain——这些都使得他的音乐呈现了一种崭新的面貌,为加利西亚音乐引入了更广阔的视野,并使其自身始终成为了该类音乐的领头人物。因为这些,他开始不仅仅是一个杰出的器乐家,而且成为了该流派严谨的学者。
  13. Berg was silent, as he always was, when the subject did not concern him personally, but à propos of the irascibility of the Grand Duke he related with gusto how he had had some words with the Grand Duke in Galicia, when his Highness had inspected the regiments and had flown into a rage over some irregularity in their movements.
  14. The crisis for the Germans was too desperate to permit consideration of long-range plans. Reinforcements were needed at once and they had to be taken wherever they could be found.
  15. This article analyzes the general idea of the Musical Studies Center in Santiago de Compostela. The aim of the project is a modem form of deeply rooted Galicia tradition, with concern for its particular cultural surroundings and emphasis on the memory of the place.
  16. Badly hit was the northwestern region of Galicia, where several roads were cut off and schools forced to cancel classes.
  17. Closure of the airports of Madrid, Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza, the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia, as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace.
  18. The dialect of Portuguese (sometimes regarded as a dialect of Spanish) spoken in Galicia NW Spain.
  19. Bullous pemphigoid triggered by influenza vaccination? Ecological study in Galicia, Spain
  20. The Croats are largely Slavic-speaking people who lived in an area of what is today Galicia (in Ukraine and Poland).

Galicia 单语例句

  1. Throughout the summer hundreds of wild horses are rounded up, trimmed and groomed in different villages in Galicia.

Galicia [^ә'liʃiә]

n. a region (and former kingdom) in northwestern Spain on the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay