function of interest rate是什么意思 function of interest rate在线中文翻译

function of interest rate

function of interest rate 双语例句

  1. The quicken of interest rate marketization, the implementation of difference deposited reserve rate system by Central Bank, and the classification supervision to the Urban Commercial Banks by supervision department, the comprehensive function of these external factors make Urban Commercial Banks, which have fallen into a very heavy awkward predicament.3, Countermeasures and suggestions of promoting Urban Commercial Bank healthy developmentUnder so severe situation, if you want to really solve the existence and development problems that the Urban Commercial Banks facing, helping them out of plight, promoting them healthy development, which not only need their own efforts, such as improving stock right structure, strengthening internal management mechanism building, perfecting the risk control system, insisting business products innovation, exploiting market constantly, developing jointly through the business cooperation and annex recombination, etc; but also need close cooperation of local government and supervision department, less intervention, more support, making great efforts to build a fair and suitable external environment for the Urban Commercial Banks by setting up deposit insurance institution, establishing the capital clear system between the Urban Commercial Banks, founding the Urban Commercial Banks stock right trade market, etc, to further remedy the deficiency in the business management of the Urban Commercial Banks from institution, turn back their inferior situation in market competition, and make the Urban Commercial B
  2. According to discount, the cheap cost of electronic money will cause market balanced interest rate to drop constantly for a long time, so it will reduce the function space of the fund price of Central Bank.
  3. In this paper, it was supposed that the riskless interest rate, the volatility rate and the stock dividend rate are time function. By the self-financing strategy and Ito formula of fractional Brownian motion, the general Black-Scholes partial differential equations for European claim and pricing formula for European option are obtained.
    在假定无风险利率、股票波动率以及股票红利率都为时间t的函数,利用金融市场复制策略及分数布朗运动的It公式,得到欧式未定权益的一般B lack-Scholes偏微分方程,并通过求解偏微分方程获得欧式期权定价公式。
  4. It is important key that these factor`s relative of cycle will be changed the economic system of bulk Carrier Shipping industry. This paper of structure is three parts about the seasonality, periodicity and relative. First, we adapt the X11 seasonal analysis to decompose factors of Trend and Cyclical, Seasonal Variation, Irregular Variation. In this part, we discovered the average spot earnings to be seasonality. Second, Hodrick-Prescott filter and Band-Pass filter reveal that four cycles in the researched period, and the bulk Carrier Shipping industry average cycle is 52.7 months/cycle (about 4.4 years). Finally, we use Granger Causality test and Cross-correlation function to catch at the cause and result about the average spot earnings between five factors. We has found the average spot earnings with new-build ship price and second hand ship price that exists in causality. About interest rate and foreign exchange rate, they have no relationship with average spot earnings. However, bunker price has negative correlation with average spot earnings. It indicates that bunker price rises and average spot earnings will be decreased.
    研究架构以影响因素之季节性、周期性及关联性为主,首先季节性分析利用X11将变数之时间序列,分解成长期趋势循环、季节变动及不规则变动三种变动因子,发现海岬型平均营收存在明显之季节性;再者,以频谱分析(Hodrick-Prescott filter、Band-Pass filter)获得营运影响因素之循环序列及趋势序列,显示研究期间一共出现了四个周期,散装海运周期为平均为52.7个月(4.4年);最后运用Granger因果关系检定与交叉相关函数,进一步了解影响平均营收与各因素之领先或落后关系,研究结果证实平均营收对於新船船价与二手船价存在因果关系,且平均营收为新船船价及二手船价之领先指标,而平均营收对於利率及汇率之影响不大,另外平均营收与燃油价格呈现中度负相关,表示燃油价格上涨,会导致营收收入降低,希冀本研究实证结果能提供散装海运相关业者制订营运决策,以避免营运损失之风险。
  5. Based on the repurchasing rate of government bonds in the Shanghai stock market, the nonparametric term structure model of interest rates has be en estimated by using four different kernel functions: the Gauss kernel function, the Epanechnikov kernel function, a quartic kernel function and a six-power kernel function.
  6. It is noticed that Chinese Central Bank has attached more importance to the function of open market operation in adjusting interest rate. The central bank, which buys and sells securities in capital market and signals the trend of interest...
  7. It is probably too early to believe that the dollar`s movements are once again a function of interest rate differentials but it is a taste of things to come.
  8. The paper prices bond and bond option, analyzing dynamic interest rate, regime-switching and option pricing. According to the affection of regime-switching to interest rate derivative pricing, the paper deduces the partial differential equation of bond pricing with Ito lemma, and obtains characteristic function and recursion equation of bond option.
  9. The article analyses the necessity and feasibility of interest rate swap to China s commercial banks and its function on risk-avoiding.
  10. However, valuation of bond with implied function in the equation, which is called the risk market price of interest rate, is known as the model of bond pricing.
  11. The money demand is a function that describes the amount of money that is demanded in the economy at every interest rate level.
  12. The review part also includes: the review of preference function, risks and application of VaR and interest rate models, etc.
  13. Interest rate is as the price of money and has an important role in regulating the allocation of financial resources, but this function need a more developed financial market as a support.
  14. As the gradual development of Chinese bond market, public debt has shown its financial function, however, it can't be fully exerted because of the absence of basic institutions in the market such as free float of interest rate.
  15. Investment is a function of the interest rate.
  16. In the model of ISLM, we redraw the fiscal multiplier function, denoting that crowd-out effect anti-acts the multiplier effect, due to the rate of interest. A Study on FDI's Crowd - out Effect on China's Domestic Investment
  17. By all appearances, if these theories could not explain the determination mechanism of interest rate in yield field and the function mechanism of interest rate influencing economy development, then the validity of interest rate policies working out according to these theories was very dubitable.
  18. In this paper, according to the data of treasury bond and callable bond in the market of Shanghai Securities Exchanges, the interest rate term structure curve is estimated with a certain specific data through choosing different splint function.
  19. Reflected Brownian motion is used to construct the model of random interest rate. We define the critical death rate of risk function and analyze the adventure of life insurance, hence provide the insurance company with method.
  20. Based on estimating the long-term and short-term money demand function with the technology of cointegration and error correction, we find that the condition that high elasticity of income and low elasticity of interest rate to money demand in our country has not changed.

function of interest rate 单语例句

  1. When the interest rate is lower than reasonable, it cannot function normally to guide the flow of financial resources.

function of interest rate

function of interest rate


obligation: 指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。
duty: 指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。
function: 指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。
responsibility: 指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。

profit: 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。
advantage: 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。
benefit: 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。
interest: 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。
favour: 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。
gain: 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。

amuse: 指使人通过注意某些有趣或悦人的事物而消遣,着重使人愉快的效果。
please: 多指愿望、兴趣得到满足后产生的强烈满意情绪。
interest: 普通用词,指出于任何原因使人兴奋或对某事物保持好奇心或注意力,侧重引起兴趣或注意。
entertain: 指通过给他人快乐感的消遣活动,使自己或他人从单调中解脱出来。

evaluate: 与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。
rate: 专指评定价值等级的高低。
value: 侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。
assess: 原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。
estimate: 通常指由个人作出的主观估价。
appraise: 指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。

prime: 常指最重要、价值最高的东西,也可以表示最佳、最典型或最高的人或物。
first-rate: 多用于指对抽象事物的主观评估,有时含夸大、自负的意味。
choice: 指通过精心挑选达到水平,尤指罕见或品质精良的商品。
select: 指精挑细选出来作为范例的物或人。
splendid: 口语常用词,指非常令人满意,显得完美无缺。
excellent: 通常指事物在等级品位以及职位级别等方面的最优或接近最优。

pace: 普通用词,指步行的速度,常引申指活动的进度或生产率。
rate: 作“速度”讲时,与speed同义,可换用。作速率解时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的标准速度。
speed: 普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。
velocity: 技术用词,指物体沿着一定方向运动时的速率。

proportion: (两件事物之间的)比,比例, 通常用于各种成分或分配额的比例等;
rate: 常用于表示速率,利率,出生率,死亡率,兑换率等;
ratio: (表示两个数量之间关系的)比,比例, in direct/inverse ratio to 成正比/反比
percentage: 百分比,百分率;