empire silk是什么意思 empire silk在线中文翻译

empire silk

empire silk 双语例句

  1. The Silk road connected Bactria with the Roman Empire in the west and China in the far east.
  2. It is said that lawyers and scholars were much respected in that empire and that the inhabitants of ghana wore garments of wool, cotton, silk and velvet
  3. The great explorers: Europe reaching for Asia - The disappearance of the Silk Road following the end of the Mongols was one of the main factors that stimulated the Europeans to reach the prosperous Chinese empire through another route, especially by the sea.
  4. Silk trade with China had an immense impact on the finance of Roman Empire.
  5. After the Mongol Empire, the great political powers along the Silk Road became economically and culturally separated.
  6. During the14th century, with the disintegration of the Mongol empire, the isolationist policies of the Ming dynasty, and the development of the silk route by sea, the silk road was forced into decline.
  7. Accordingly, the Silk Road became an important communication route between different parts of the Mongol Empire.
  8. During this time, the Byzantine Empire also wanted to make converging attack on the Persians with others'help for cheaper silk.
  9. Since the Mongolian Empire s conquest of Eurasia in the 13th century brought an unprecedented grand occasion for the cultural interflow between China and foreign countries along the Silk Roads, a sudden change in the evolution of Chinese brick and stone vaulted buildings took place.

empire silk 单语例句

  1. Historians have long debated whether the love for Chinese silk contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire.

empire silk

empire silk