Buonaparte是什么意思 Buonaparte在线中文翻译


Buonaparte 双语例句

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte French pronunciation:; 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) later known as Napoleon I, and previously Napoleone di Buonaparte, was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century.
    翻译一段话,名人的简介拿破仑·波拿巴[1](Napoléon Bonaparte,1769年8月15日-1821年5月5日),即拿破仑一世(Napoléon Ier),出生于科西嘉岛,法国军事家与政治家,法兰西第一共和国第一执政(1799年-1804年),法兰西第一帝国及百日王朝的皇帝(1804年-1814年,1815年),曾经占领过西欧和中欧的广大领土。
  2. From that moment forth, all was over; the Ogre of Corsica, -- the usurper, --the tyrant, --the monster who was the lover of his own sisters, --the actor who took lessons of Talma, --the poisoner of Jaffa, --the tiger, --Buonaparte, --all this vanished, and gave place in his mind to a vague and brilliant radiance in which shone, at an inaccessible height, the pale marble phantom of Caesar.
  3. I warn you that my grandfather does better still; he says Buonaparte'.

Buonaparte [,bwɔ:nɑ:'pɑ:te]

family 波拿巴家族(即Bonaparte family)