direct shock wave是什么意思 direct shock wave在线中文翻译

direct shock wave

direct shock wave 双语例句

  1. Injector; two-phase flow; direct contact condensation; shock wave; steam plume
  2. As a practical example, a silo acted by 10MPa air shock wave calculated by a separate model of FEM. Results of the calculation include some time-history of displacement, stress and acceleration, and an accumulated plastic zone figure in 90 msec. From the results, the relation between stress path and plastic yielding function in surronding rock is studied. It is indicated by the calculation that the silo with a direct support structure form, lid being supported on silo wall directly, can not bear a overpressure of 10MPa.
  3. Direct tensile, acceleration, and shock wave tests belong to the tensile test group, whereas adhesive tape, direct shear, peel and scratch tests belong to the shear test group.
  4. It is found that the overpressure field can be divided into three subareas, namely, the direct action area of cloud detonation, the united action area of the detonation outcome and the shock wave, the shock wave action area.
  5. Detailed chemical reaction model and finite volume method are used to numerically investigate detonation direct initiation induced by the toroidal shock wave focusing in combustible gas mixture.
  6. Numerical results show that even if incident shock is not strong enough to induce the direct initiation of combustible gas mixture behind the shock front, the onset of detonation may take place in the cavity between obstacles where is far behind the shock front. Compression wave, expansion wave and shear layer generated from the surface of obstacles play important roles on chemical reaction that triggers the DDT process of detonation. Increasing N2 dilution of combustible gas mixture will influence the profile of wall temperature behind detonation wave and varying the distance between obstacles will results in the changes in the position of detonation initiation.

direct shock wave

direct shock wave


clash: 通常指两个或多个物体,特别是金属物发出刺耳声音或破裂声的撞击。也可引申指意见、利益等的冲突。
collision: 指物体相撞,其结果不是受损就是严重受阻。
impact: 正式用词,侧重指物体相撞的结果或接触点。
shock: 指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。

surge: 词义较模糊,泛指巨浪、波涛或作比喻使用。
wave: 普通用词,指水面上移动的任何具有峰谷皱形的波动,尤指距离相等的波浪,也比喻任何类似的物体。
ripple: 多指微风吹过水面或石头投入水中所激起的涟漪或细浪。

direct: 侧重行使领导或指导权。
control: 含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。
supervise: 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。
govern: 侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。
administer: 指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。
rule: 强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。
manage: 强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。

guide: 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。
direct: 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。
conduct: 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。
pilot: 从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。
lead: 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。

direct: 指行路中不停步、不绕道、直奔目的地。
directly: 指以一种直接的方式。表时间时,指立刻,不拖延之意。