bha是什么意思 bha在线中文翻译

BHA 英 [ˌbi:eɪtʃˈeɪ] 美 [ˌbietʃˈe]

BHA 词典解释

名词丁化羟基茴香醚(一种白色蜡状的苯酚抗氧化剂, C11H 16O 2,用于保存脂肪和油,尤指在食物中 )

BHA 网络解释

  1. 叔丁基对羟基茴香醚
    ... 叔丁基对羟基茴香醚(BHA) BHA作为抗氧剂使用始于1954年,是2-BHA和3-BHA两种异构体混合物,广泛应用于食品和医药行业,易溶于脂溶性溶剂,对热稳定,在与其他抗氧剂复配使用时具有抗氧化增效作用,抗氧化效果明显提高,...
  2. 底部钻具组合
  3. 水杨酸
    ...比如, 水杨酸(BHA), 甘醇酸(AHA)就是改类可以深入清洁毛孔的物质.水杨酸(BHA), 甘醇酸(AHA)都通称是果酸. 其实, 所谓的清洁, 在化学上面就酸溶解油脂. 她们的分子的大小形状可以到达毛孔里面....
  4. abbr. bottom-hole assembly; 钻具组合
  5. abbr. tert-butyl hydroxy anisole; 丁基羟基茴香醚
  6. abbr. bottom-hole-assemblies; 底部钻具组合
  7. abbr. bottom hole assembly; 下部钻具组合

BHA 双语例句

  1. It has been widely used in food industry and used to prevent and retard oxidation and rancidity of lipid.
  2. The results showed that the POV of hemp seed oil was affected remarkably by temperature and time, and the effect of temperature was greater than that of time. The TBHQ had good antioxidation ability to hemp seed oil. TBHQ or BHA with isoascorbic acid or critic acid exhibited great antioxidation ability, the synergistic effect on the oil of critic acid was better than that of isoascorbic acid. When 0.02% TBHQ with 0.005% BHA and 0.01% critic acid or with 0.005%BHA and 0.01% isoascorbic acid was used in the oil, the shelf life of the oil could be prolonged from 4 months to 11~13 months at 20℃.
  3. Subsequently, AP was used in bean oil and rap oil, and its antioxidant effects were contrasted with BHA, TBHQ, VE and AP/VE.
  4. Methods: L-AP was used in pork fat, bean oil and rap oil, and its antioxidant effects were evaluated compared with BHA, TBHQ, vitamin E and AP/vitamin E.
  5. This dermatologist-tested formula with Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids and Microbeads delivers visible results.
  6. May 24, 2002, BHA shipped the first batch of products – 757 Door liner composites panels, which meet the quality standard of Boeing, Hexcel and conform to the ISO9000 standard, and receives very positive feedback from customers.
    公司主要生产和销售用于国际商用飞机的高质量复合材料次结构件和内装饰件,年生产能力为50万工时。2002年4月 BHA 正是通过波音和赫氏公司的质量和生产资格认证,并在同月开始正式生产。2002年5月24日,BHA 交付首批产品—波音757机舱门衬里,产品完全满足波音和赫氏公司的各项要求,并符合 AS9100标准,客户对产品质量给予了极高的评价。
  7. BHA. Avoid depilatories because the chemicals seep into the pores and loosen hair follicles.
  8. The antioxygenic effects of DLTP, BHA, BHT and PG were compared and the synergistic effects of DLTP was also studied.
  9. Methods: Animals were randomly divided into 5 groups: normal control; dicoumarol; doxorubicin; dicoumarol+doxorubicin and BHA+dicoumarol+doxorubicin, 6 rats in each group.
  10. Dicoumarol can enhance cytotoxicity induced by doxorubicin in mice, and BHA can protect mice against cytotoxicity caused by dicoumarol plus doxorubicin. This action may relate to the increase of QR activity, and anti-lipid peroxidation caused by BHA.
  11. BHA could resist the decrease of QR activity caused by dicoumarol. BHA had caused a significantly decrease of serum ALT, LDH, CK, and liver MDA amount induced by dicoumarol plus doxorubicin.
  12. The conclusion demonstrates that sharp increase in formation anisotropy is the root cause of the well deviation. And the borehole diameter enlargement is significant cause of well deviation during gas drilling under medium or high WOB. Formation dip, WOB, bit cutting anisotropy and BHA produce effects on gas drilled well deviation is in a similar way to mud drilling.
  13. Furthermore, the radical scavenging activity of essential oil was determined, and compared to those of BHT and BHA.
  14. The results showed that light and temperature could accelerate the oxidation of sunflower seed oil, and the effect of temperature was more conspicuous.
  15. At the same time, counterforce, displacement and axial stress of a section on the nodes of BHA are listed in the form of sheet, which provides a basis on studying the fatigue life of BHA.(4) Based on mechanical analysis of BHA, fracture mechanics is used to discuss the stress intensity factor.£, and the critical stress intensity factorKir of the opening crack propagation mode.
  16. Hope our love lasts and never dies.
  17. Shengli Oilfield; reaming while drilling; downhole tool; drilling bit; BHA
  18. Therefore, MDA and EROD were the more sensitive measured parameters and may be used as potential biomarkers for BHA and NFLX exposure.
  19. The whirl features of BHA can be effectively improved by optimizing the structure parameters and operation parameters.
  20. The hole can be controlled vertically with a weight on bit higher 50% than the maximum weight on bit used for pendulum BHA. The mechanical speed of drilling can be enhanced.

BHA 单语例句

  1. Boeing said it would support BHA's expansion by acquiring rights to the land adjacent to the facility in Tianjin's Binhai New Area.
  2. To regulate the development, the BHA is planning to recruit more people to prevent profiteering.

BHA [,bi:eitʃ'ei]

abbr. base helix angle 底部柱螺旋角