pisces是什么意思 pisces在线中文翻译

Pisces 英 [ˈpaɪsi:z] 美 [ˈpaɪsiz]


Pisces 词典解释


Pisces 网络解释

  1. 双鱼座
    ...星座名称: 双鱼座(Pisces) 出生日期: 02/20 - 03/20 幸运宝石: 白水晶、橄榄石 幸运颜色: 银灰、紫色 幸运数字: 2、6 幸运花朵: 紫郁金香、爱丽斯、香水百合 星座故事 维纳斯是掌管爱与美的珍珠女神,初春的季节,...
  2. 星座
    ...这些爆炸为时仅数秒钟,发生于宝瓶星座(Aquarius)、双鱼星座(Pisces)与白羊星座(Aries ). 这些星座与地球的距离皆在十亿光年之外,且彼此之间也距离遥远. 发生于宝瓶座与双鱼座的是X射线瞬闪(X-ray flashes),距地球约十亿至三十亿光年之间....
  3. 鱼纲
    ...每次十余尾或几十尾,繁殖力惊人. 食蚊鱼现已被IUCN收录为100种最具破坏力的入侵生物之一. 而青鳉是属于脊索动物门(Chordata) 鱼纲(Pisces) 鳉形目(cyprinodontiformes) 青鳉科(Oryziatidae) ,所以它们并不属同科的物种....
  4. 双鱼
    ...欢迎水像星座:双鱼(pisces)天蝎(scorpio)巨蟹 (cancer)的朋友加群 36098008. 畅谈水族馆....

Pisces 双语例句

  1. A partner or collaborator - in your personal life or in the romantic sense - may be very critical. If so, try not to take to heart all that is said. As a Pisces, your strength is your exquisite sensitivity, but during times like this, you may overreact to this person's words. It would be hard not to, but be kind to yourself and try to keep a little distance.
  2. Cancer blends perfectly with Pisces, because it is a water sign like yours. You should investigate all offers that cross your desk.
  3. One can equate this with the nature of the persona and old astrology; red and magenta folk tend to be ambitious, creative, dynamic and energetic in nature much like the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius; orange folk tend to be grounded and centered such as the earth sign of Capricorn and Taurus; blue and green folk are emotional or healing in nature, much like Pisces and Cancer water signs; violet folk tend to be spiritual in nature along with inward focused much like Scorpio and Aquarius sun signs.
  4. Such fossils as dinosaurus egg, pisces, spiral shell, shellfish, prawn and Graptolite etc. in Zhejiang province.
  5. Objective: To study the self-interaction of hemoglobin in Pisces Cyprinus carpio and Amphibia Rana catesbeiana.
    摘 要 目的:研究鱼纲动物鲤鱼和两栖纲动物牛蛙血红蛋白自身的相互作用。
  6. There is no self-interaction of hemoglobin in Pisces Cyprinus carpio and Amphibia Rana catesbeiana.
  7. When Jupiter aligns with the Sun, it's always the luckiest day of the year, but when Jupiter aligns with the Sun in PISCES, it could mark your luckiest day in a decade.
  8. The story of Pisces started from Venus, the Queen of Love.
  9. A Cancer, Taurus or Pisces will put a different spin on your life.
  10. BTE is the combinations of Newton mechanics of classical particles and scattering quantum mechanism.
  11. Point that lies in the constellation of Pisces.
  12. The Perseus Cluster of Galaxies is part of the Pisces Perseus supercluster spanning over 15 degrees and containing over 1000 galaxies.
  13. Dashing out of the starting gate is ill-advised since the Moon in Pisces remains in a void twilight zone until 10:57AM PDT (when the Moon enters fiery Aries).
  14. Your planetary ruler, Venus, in Sagittarius, is squaring Uranus in Pisces this weekend, which could disrupt your peace of mind a little.
    天平座 周末,射手座的金星将刑于双鱼的天王星,这将会让你平静的生活泛起些许波澜。
  15. Both Venus and Uranus will be in Pisces and will meet in your house of true love.
  16. Go Leo its your birtday, Go Virgo its your Birthday, Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music.
    去利奥其您的birtday ,去室女座其您的生日,去双鱼座其您的生日,使热爱音乐的战利品。
  17. This zodiacal constellation, like Pisces, depicts the result of the sudden appearance of the earthborn giant Typhoeus.
  18. The Moon in impressionistic Pisces opposes the Virgo Sun in a tussle between two very different approaches to life.
  19. Pisces the Fishes in an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October.
  20. This could turn out to be quite a memorable, happy time for you, dear Pisces.

Pisces 单语例句

  1. Maybe it's because I'm Pisces, but the fish just had to come to my new home.

Pisces ['pisi:z]

n. [天] 双鱼座
n. the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
n. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces
n. a large faint zodiacal constellation; between Aquarius and Aries