balanced fertilizer是什么意思 balanced fertilizer在线中文翻译

balanced fertilizer

balanced fertilizer 双语例句

  1. The quadratics rotary orthogonal combination design was used to conduct field experiment of integrated balanced of yard manure, urea, calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride and potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer in order to increase the yield of Chinese chestnut.
  2. As the higher yield and higher benefit of balanced fertilization, compound fertilizers will be the leading product in the future; in China, a farmer's fertilizer input is 25% of his agriculture cost, or 50% of his material input, while in Japan, the 2 figures are only 6% and 10% respectively in rice production.
  3. The decision support system for rice ecological balanced fertilization is based on the theory of ecological balanced Model, Using the technical system of the utility and new advanced technology, achieving the new compute-fertilization-system about the ecological balanced fertilizer.
  4. Through experiment of 15N microplot showed that: gaseous losses of fertilizer nitrogen was 1.259g·m~(-2), soil residued nitrogen was 1.023g·m~(-2) in Ecological Balanced Fertilization plot, monitored at the same time that chemical nitrogen fertilizer was almost no leakage because there was illuvial layer in the depth of 100~120cm in this area.
  5. Fan X L, Liao Z W. Increasing fertilizer efficiency by means of controlled release fertilizer production according to theory and techniques of balanced fertilization.
  6. Thus, fertilization recommendation to increase organic fertilizer, to populize soil-test-formulation-fertilization and fodder ruturning was made for aim of a balanced development of soil nutrition and sustainable fine quality, high and stable yielding of cultivated crops.
  7. This experiment show: Because ecological balanced fertilization decreases the amount of fertilizer, so it decreases the pollution of environment and groundwater, and it is propitious to the productivity of green food and the protection of environment, and it has extensive application perspective.
  8. Rice-cotton rotation not only reduced the used amount of insecticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer, but also effectively balanced soil nutrient and improve soil fertility.
  9. The evolution of soil fertility is related to the coordinate development in planting, breeding and processing, manuring of a great quantity of organic fertilizer, spreading of balanced fertilization technique, and optimizing of planting system and tillage mode in the county.
  10. Based on a large number of integrated and balanced fertilizer application trials (5 years), a balanced fertilizer decision making system for the integrated cultivation in wheat peanut cropping system was studied and established.
  11. Study on the Effects of Balanced Fertilization and Application of Potassium Fertilizer on Sweet Potato
  12. In market economy, the fertilizer products have to be provided with a good sale, and balanced fertilization becomes the basis for determination of nutrients proportion and their manufacture.
  13. But the potassium fertilizer employs excessively many, affects the soil nutrient was balanced, thus the suppression lily to other nutrient absorptions, executes K-2O 75~150 kg/hm~2 for was suitable.
  14. Rational and balanced application of nitrogenous fertilizer also curtailed earlier bolting and resulting in a higher yield.
  15. Study on Balanced Fertilizer in Wheat Growth in Shajiang Black Soil
  16. The effective method of kiwifruit nutrition management should be the balanced chemical fertilizer and manure application.
  17. But the potassium fertilizer employs excessively many, affects the soil nutrient was balanced, thus the suppression lily to other nutrient absorptions, executes K-2O 75 ~ 150 kg / hm ~ 2 for was suitable.
  18. The main results showed that:(1)Model of ecological balanced fertilization has double functions that are models of target output and fertilizer function.

balanced fertilizer

balanced fertilizer