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Virtanen 双语例句

  1. It seems there might a threshold, so it is not so bad if you work another hour or so more than usual, said Dr Marianna Virtanen, an epidemiologist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and University College London.
  2. Virtanen and colleagues published their findings in the European Heart Journal.
  3. In the current study, investigators led by Jyrki Virtanen, PhD, from the University of Kuopio, in Finland, looked at 3660 participants aged 65 years and older. Patients were part of the population-based Cardiovascular Health Study, and all participants underwent MRI at baseline. Five years later, just over 2300 had a second scan.
    目前的研究中,芬兰Kuopio大学的Jyrki Virtanen博士领导的研究人员,检视 3,660名年纪在65岁以上者的资料,这些人属於心血管健康研究这项族群基础研究的研究对象,所有人一开始都接受MRI,五年后,有2,300人左右接受第二次扫描。

Virtanen [ˈviətəˌnen]

维尔塔嫩(姓氏; Arttur Ilmari, 1895-1973,芬兰生物化学家,曾获1945年诺贝尔化学奖)