Lasiohelea是什么意思 Lasiohelea在线中文翻译


Lasiohelea 词典解释

形容词[医] 蠛蠓属

Lasiohelea 网络解释

  1. 拉蠓属
    ...细蠓属 Leptoeonops | 拉蠓属 Lasiohelea | 毛蠓科 Psychodidae...

Lasiohelea 双语例句

  1. Arctic Ocean, slightly oval-shaped, along its short axis direction of the three ridge parallel to each other, that is, Lomonosov Ridge, Mendeleyev Ridge and the Arctic Ocean, Ridge (also known as Nansen Hai Ling Ling or Gac leisurely), its length of 150-200 km.3 ridge of the waters, respectively, divided into Northern Europe and Greenland the Norwegian basin basin; will be divided into the Arctic waters Nansen Basin, amundsen basin also known as the Fram Basin, Makarov Basin kf7985077lvyou You-Suo Yao Lasiohelea E Shen Tuan Lam any often ah-chu-Egyptian remorseful?
  2. Results Total 7 genera 54 species known were reported in Liaoning province, of which blood-sucking midges are 2 genera 49 species, namely 48 species of genus Culicoides including a new species, Culicoides donggangensis sp. nov. and 1 species of genus Lasiohelea; unsucking-blood midges are 4 genera 5 spec...


[医] 蠛蠓属