zone of aeration是什么意思 zone of aeration在线中文翻译

zone of aeration

zone of aeration 双语例句

  1. Consulted the hydrostat discount rate method used in the tunnel lining designation to determine the external water pressure, the slope stability factor algorithm simplified osmotic pressure in aeration zone to hydrostatic pressure after discount on the basis of investigation was suggested for the first time.
  2. The supplementation of groundwater from precipitation infiltration or its transformation into atmospheric water through evaporation are realized by the increment, decrement or transportation of water in aeration zone constituents under the action of hydraulic gradient in rock and soil.
  3. We researched the transport and transformation of COD in aeration zone by the simulative experiment in.
  4. When underbalanced drilling or drilling easy leaky zone by using aeration fluid, the determination of fluid density and downhole fluid column pressure is very important.
  5. In addition, according to the air source in the aeration control circuit the method to increase proportionality (scale) of actuating mechanism and to set up controlled dead zone is adopted in order to improve aeration control performance.
  6. In the alpine-gorge area exists a very thick aeration zone, where the bifurcation of tracing water occurs ubiquitously.
  7. Study on Biodegradation of Oil Pollutants on the Polluted Soils of the Aeration Zone
  8. By using the black? box model, the variation quantity of COD passing the aeration zone layer is determined.
  9. The groundwater recharge rule study in the condition of aeration zone incrassation
  10. Experimental study of the self-purification capacity of COD in the aeration zone layers
  11. Experimental Research on Contamination Status of Groundwater System and Aeration Zone Self-purification of Yanji City
  12. Crude oil contaminant shift in aeration zone and is controlled by concentration of crude oil contaminant, contaminant shall shift down and pollute groundwater when concentration of crude oil contaminant has exceeded the approximate remnant saturation degree.
  13. This article introduces a method for determining hydrogeological parameters such as the field capacity in zone of aeration and the specific yield in aquifer where water content is varied.
  14. According to particular conditions of Zhanjiang city's hydrogeological condition, DRASTIC model is simplified specifically and zone of aeration (thickness, lithology, structure) as well as topography is selected as assessment factors of shallow groundwater.
  15. The Effect of Coal-mining Subsidence on Aeration Zone Structure in the Shenfu-Dongsheng Mining Area
  16. By modelling the aeration environment of agricultral irrigation in soil columns, the cultral microorganism cleaning nitrate by denitrification in aeration zone is studied.
  17. Mixed liquid internal reflux revolving gate, specifically designed for surface aeration oxidation ditch with prepositive denitrification treatment, the greatest feature is available to achieve high reflux ratio of nitrification liquid to the anoxic zone to get a higher level of nitrogen removal.
  18. Some problems of common theories-capillary potential theory, soil moisture potential theory, laminar flow theory and wetting front infiltration theory-studying the moisture migration in aeration zone are summarized.
  19. Study of the Movement of Water in the Aeration Zone by the Zero Flux Plane Method
  20. The movement of the water in aeration zone is different at different depth, if the Zero flux potentials exist in the aeration zone.

zone of aeration

un. 土壤表层通气层;通气带;饱气带
[网络] 包气带;通气地带;充气带
zone of aeration


region: 地区,指较大范围内的区域,一般按自然条件和自身特点划分。如:an autonomous  region(自治区)
area: 面积,范围,一般用语,没有明确的外围界限,也可指占地面积。如:The factory covers an area of 500 mu.(这工厂占地50亩。)
belt: 地带,通常指狭长的地带。如:The northern part of the country is usually regarded as the wheat belt.(这国家的北部通常被看作小麦种植地带。)
district: 区,行政区,指一国家或城市按行政区的划分。如:the economic development district(经济开放区)
zone: 地带,地区,区域,指某一特定的地方或区域。如:Most of China is in the temperate zone.(中国的大部分地区在温带。)

region: n.行政区划上更大的地区,如"自治区";身体部位。
 ➤ The northeast region of the USA includes New York and the six New England states.  

vicinity: n.周围地区,附近地区。
 ➤ The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the vicinity.  

area: n.泛指面积较大的地区;面积;专业领域。
 ➤ The New York area has high rents.  

district: n.行政区划的小范围地区。如Xicheng district北京西城区
zone: n.指特定的地方、地带。
 ➤ The city passed a law to create a business zone on some empty land.  

region: 普通用词,常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。
area: 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。
districk: 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。
belt: 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。
neighbourhood: 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。具体指城市中的住宅区,也可指附近一带。
zone: 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区。
section: 普通用词,指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。
quarter: 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。