zaire是什么意思 zaire在线中文翻译


Zaire 词典解释


Zaire 网络解释

  1. 扎伊尔
    ...本页内容提示:来自 扎伊尔(Zaire) 的采购:其他时尚珠宝首饰,其他家用纺织品,化工矿产,其他厨房用品,其他服装,五金制品,其他艺术品、工艺品和装饰物品,食品,工具,其他家居用品,其他文具,其他个人日用品,其他礼品包装,机械及设备,...
  2. 薩伊
    ...古(Ouagadougou) 144 衣索匹亚(Ethiopia) 的黎波里(Tripoli) 216地区(国名或地名) 日支生活费 地区(国名或地名) 日支生活费 地区(国名或地名) 日支生活费马拉威(Malawi) 狮子山国(SierraLeone) 147 萨伊(Zaire)布兰岱(Blant...
  3. 刚果(金)
    ...当前位置:>> 首页 >> 签证办理 >> 刚果(金)(Zaire)签证刚果(金)(Zaire)商务签证刚果(金)(Zaire)探亲访友签证刚果(金)(Zaire)商务签证(自备邀请)...
  4. abbr. zr; 扎伊尔(域名)
  5. abbr. zai; 萨伊

Zaire 双语例句

  1. Of or relating to or characteristic of Zaire or its people.
  2. Then, in Zaire, he quickly used his connections and influence with the government.
  3. However, the most important mine is in Zaire.
  4. A basic unit of currency in Zaire.
  5. The basic unit of money in Zaire.
  6. However, it has been active in amior international forums, first as a member of the League of Nations and since 1955, as a member of the United Nations. Its has contributed personnel to U. N. peacekeeping units in the Middle East, New Guinea, Zaire and Cyprus.
  7. It was named for the Ebola River in the former Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  8. AIDS has begun to investigate the occurrence of Rwanda, Zaire and other African countries.
  9. And by the shores of the river Zaire there is neither quiet nor silence.
  10. A group of Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of the Sudan and Zaire and Uganda and Tanzania.
  11. Currently working for the insurgent force in Zaire.
  12. The region of which I speak is a dreary region in Libya, by the borders of the river Zaire.
  13. A territory of Angola forming an exclave on the Atlantic Ocean between Congo and Zaire.
  14. Than with a wide gap session have three in all most, three match win ball 9 ball only in World Cup Competition finals, the fifth Hungary with 9:0 win Korea team; The tenth pressgang with 9:0 win the Zaire team team then; The 12th Hungary with 10:1 win tile large teams of sha team.
    在世界杯赛决赛阶段比最悬殊的场次共有三场,三场比赛净胜球均是9球,第五届匈牙利队以9:0 胜韩国队;第十届地斯拉夫队以9:0 胜扎伊尔队;第十二届匈牙利队以10:1胜莎尔瓦多队。
  15. The Zaire frontosa lives thus, the most naturally and also possesses the best predatorial characteristics.
  16. The Zaire river basin, of which the reserve and forest are a part, is one of the largest drainage systems in Africa.
  17. Ruwenzori Red Duiker - Cephalophus rubidus - The Ruwenzori duiker is restricted only to west Uganda and probably adjacent zones of east former Zaire in the Ruwenzori Mts.
  18. One States that were held together by their perceived strategic utility to one side or the other in some instances have suffered gravely as a result; this was true, for example, in the Horn of Africa earlier in the decade, and most recently in the former Zaire.
  19. A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern Congo, western Zaire, and northern Angola.
  20. During the cold war western governments supported dictators and kleptomaniacs across the continent, from President Mobutu Sese Seko of what was then Zaire to Uganda's murderous British-trained Idi Amin.

Zaire 单语例句

  1. The two strains that cause the most human disease are the Zaire and Sudan strains, named after the countries in which they first appeared.
  2. Ebola is a filovirus named after a river in Zaire, its first site of discovery.
  3. Ebola Zaire seems to be fatal in about 90% of the cases.

Zaire [ˈzairei]

n. 扎伊尔(非洲中西部一共和国)
n. the basic unit of money in Zaire