yarn manufacture是什么意思 yarn manufacture在线中文翻译

yarn manufacture

yarn manufacture 双语例句

  1. Home textiles of Wendeng for households around the globe MARKET FOCUS 31 High value-added chemical fibers are hot items in market TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY 34 Knitting technologies innovated for changing needs and demands 40 The manufacture of new-style yarn for fine fabrics MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY 42 High-end wool for office wear and performance apparel NONWOVENS/Technical Textiles 44 Optimizing PET needle-punching nonwoven technology PET needle-punching nonwoven fabric has been used as geotextile with huge market demand.
    文登家纺家家纺鲁绣工艺代代传市场探究 31 高附加值化纤成为消费趋势技术纵横 34 针织技术在调整和需求下提速革新 40 生产用於精美织物的新式纱线物料新知 42 应用於职业装和特种服装市场的高端羊毛材料非织造布/产业用纺织品 44 涤纶纺粘针刺无纺布的优化生产工艺适用于土工合成应用的涤纶纺粘针刺无纺布,其质量性能对最终用途影响极广。
  2. Describes the design and trial manufacture of silk bulk stretch denium and brassiere fabric with bulk stretch silk yarn as their weft.
  3. One that twists, as in the manufacture of rope or yarn.
  4. Design and manufacture of professional stereotypes steamed me (yarn steaming pot/yarn cooking pot/cooking cloth)(The equipment of solidification fibre by vacuum and high-temperature steam), sanitary napkins production line equipment, Baby diapers production lines, oil-fired boiler, for pulp barrels, the loser pump, valve accessories, cylinder devices and dyeing machine and the temperature and humidity control instrument, and so on.
    公司简介江苏省金湖县精明机械有限公司系专业设计制造定型蒸箱(蒸纱锅/煮纱锅/煮布机)(The equipment of solidification fibre by vacuum and high-temperature steam)、卫生巾生产线设备、婴儿尿片生产线、燃油锅炉、调浆桶、输浆泵、阀门配件、气缸装置和染色机以及温湿度控制仪等。
  5. The critical twist factors of two sorts of soybean protein yarn made from different manufacture means are tested and analyzed, the corresponding regression equation, regression curve and the maximum of regression curve are concluded.
  6. Design and Manufacture for the Stitching Double - layer Fabric of Chenille Yarn
  7. Sizing machine is a central manufacturing equipment of the sizing. The single-yarn and laboratory sizing machine perform a sufficiently important function in the small-lot manufacture of the sizing.
  8. However, these high yarn count fabrics are expensive to manufacture and offer only moderate knife protection.
  9. Quantitative Chemical Analysis on Cotton and Viscose Blended Fabrics The Manufacture and Performance Test of Antibacterial PET/Chitosan Fibre Blended Yarn
  10. The spinning of nylon differs fundamentally from techniques that are used in rayon manufacture. Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up
  11. Textile Manufacture of Varieties and Pure Flax Yarn and Route
  12. Our group has more than 9764 employees, including 1075 professional technical stuffs. It owns 85280 yarn spindles, 2534 looms (including 190 shuttle-less looms), imported 2352 air- spinning machines, which are international advanced new equipments, more than 400 sets of clothing machines, 20 sets of knitting big circular machines and some assembly line to manufacture Chinese medicine.
  13. According to the total technology requirement of textile and the yarn quality, weaving is an important procedure in order to manufacture accepted fabrics.
  14. Quantitative Chemical Analysis on Cotton and Viscose Blended Fabrics The Manufacture and Performance Test of Antibacterial PET / Chitosan Fibre Blended Yarn

yarn manufacture

yarn manufacture


manufacture: (强调机器成批)生产
yield: 生出、产生或提供(自然产物、结果或利润等)
contribute: 贡献出
create: 引起,造成(感觉或印象)
produce: 制造,引起,导致,带来

manufacture: 正式用词,一般指用机器大规模地批量生产各种生活或生产用品。
fabricate: 特指按照标准样式制作或把材料或部件组合成一个整体。
make: 普通用词,很常用,含义广,既可指制造具体的东西,也可指完成一种行为。
produce: 普通用词,侧重大量地生产出各种生产用品和生活用品。强调结果。也用于引申。

product: 一般指工业产品,也可泛指各种各样的产品。
manufacture: 一般指机器大量制造的产品。
production: 含义广泛,不同场合有不同的意思,可表示“产品,产物”,尤指人类智力或艺术劳动的产品。
produce: 多指农产品(尤指蔬菜水果等)。