vaisya是什么意思 vaisya在线中文翻译

Vaisya 英 [ˈvaiʃiə] 美 [ˈvaɪʃə, ˈvaɪʃjə]

Vaisya 网络解释

  1. 吠舍
    ...印度语/印地语(HINDI)活跃于印度中至北部, 和英语同是官方语言; 其他比较大的语系有西孟加拉语, 喀什米尔语, 旁遮普语, 拉贾斯坦语, 乌尔都语, 喀拉拉语等.把人划分为婆罗门(BRAHMANA), 刹帝利(CHHETRI), 吠舍(VAISYA), 首陀罗(SUD...
  2. 居士
    ...vaisesika 胜进 | vaisya 居士 | vajra-samadhi 金刚三昧...
  3. 外夏(毗舍)
    ...Unwanted Population 不想要的人口 | Vaisya 外夏(毗舍) | Varnasrama system 瓦尔那刷摩社会制度(四社会阶层/四灵性晋阶)...
  4. 印度四姓的第三阶级
    ...vair 松鼠的皮 | vaisya 印度四姓的第三阶级 | vakatidine 瓦卡定...

Vaisya 双语例句

  1. But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and his feet.
    但是,为了繁荣的世界,他造成了梵书的刹帝利的Vaisya ,并著手桃一点从他的嘴里,他的手臂,他的大腿,他的脚。
  2. Each village was administered by a Gramani, a Vaisya who functioned like a mayor with civil rather than military authority.
    每个村是由一个管理Gramani ,一个运作Vaisya谁像一个市长与民间,而不是军事的权威。
  3. The Vaisya to tend cattle, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study, to trade, to lend money, and to cultivate land.
  4. The rite of initiation into Brahminism was conferred on male children only, when they began their studies under a Brahmin teacher, which took place generally in the eighth year of the Brahmin, and in the eleventh and twelfth years for the Kshatriya and the Vaisya respectively.
  5. The actions of a vaisya born of his own nature are agriculture, cow protection and trade; also the actions of a sudra born of his own nature consists in services to brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas.
  6. The doctrine of reincarnation is clearly implied in the Chandogya Upanishad as it declares that those whose conduct is pleasant here will enter a pleasant womb of a Brahmin, Kshatriya, or Vaisya; but those of stinking conduct will enter a stinking womb of a dog, swine, or outcast.
    转世的理论显然是暗示在Chandogya奥义书,因为它宣布,那些行为是愉快这里将进入一个愉快的子宫的婆罗门,Kshatriya ,或Vaisya ;但那些臭烘烘的行为将进入一个臭子宫狗,猪或弃儿。

Vaisya ['vaiʃiә]

吠舍(印度封建种姓制度的四种姓的第三等级, 即平民)
n a member of the mercantile and professional Hindu caste; the third of the four main castes
n the third of the four varnas: the commoners or yeoman farmers or mercantile and professional category