trichuris是什么意思 trichuris在线中文翻译


Trichuris 词典解释

形容词[医] 鞭虫属

Trichuris 网络解释

  1. 鞭虫属
    ...袋形动物门(Aschelminthes)线虫纲(Nematoda)鞭虫属(Trichuris)蠕虫,尤指毛首鞭虫(T. trichiura). 毛首鞭虫寄生在人和哺乳类的大肠内,因身体鞭状而得名. 人(尤其是儿童)吃了污染的泥土而受染. 鞭虫分泌一种液体到宿主组织内,...
  2. 毛尾属
    ...其主要临床特征...毛尾线虫病亦称鞭虫病,其病原为毛尾科、毛尾属(Trichuris)的狐毛尾线虫(T.vulpis),寄生于犬和狐的盲肠. 世界性分布,我国各地均有发生,主要危害幼犬,严重感染时可以引起...病原为后睾科的其他一些虫体,...
  3. 毛首鞭形线虫
    ...T.spiralis 鞭虫科 | Trichuridae 鞭虫属 | Trichuris 毛首鞭形线虫...

Trichuris 双语例句

  1. A majority of the population can be infected with one or more parasites, of which the most common are usually hookworm, Ascaris, giardia, and Trichuris.
  2. Intestinal Parasites.'''Intestinal parasites are extremely common in developing countries. A majority of the population can be infected with one or more parasites, of which the most common are usually hookworm, Ascaris, giardia, and Trichuris.
  3. Infestation of the large intestine with whipworms of the genus Trichuris.
  4. Patients of age under 7 had the highest infection rate of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura (26.32% and 7.37%), while patients of age between 41 to 50 had the highest infection rate of hookworm (36.22%).
    结果 本次检查居民1244人,居民蛔虫、钩虫和鞭虫的感染率分别为14.31%、24.28%和2.97%;其中蛔虫和鞭虫感染率以〈7岁年龄组最高(26.32%和7.37%),钩虫感染率以41~50年龄组最高(36.22%)。
  5. Was first reported in non-human primates in china; Amoeba, Trichuris, Physaloptera, Enterobius, Ascarid can infect human; therefore the results have an important significance to public health.
  6. Results Of 1244 detected residents, the infection rates of Ascaris lumbricoides, Hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infection were 14.31%, 24.28% and 2.97% respectively.
    结果 本次检查1244人,居民蛔虫、钩虫和鞭虫的感染率分别为14.31%、24.28%和2.97%;其中蛔虫和鞭虫感染率以<7岁年龄组最高(26.32%和7.37%),钩虫感染率以41~50年龄组最高(36.22%)。
  7. In total, 331 (4.5%) foreign laborers were found to be infected, and Blastocystis hominis was identified as the most prevalent intestinal parasite (2.54%), followed by Trichuris trichiura (0.54%) and hookworm (0.53%).
  8. Out of 19 cases were co-infected with Clonorchis sinensis and 1 caes was co-infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Enterobius vermicularis.
  9. The highest infection rates of Ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris trichiura were in the group of <7(26.32%and7.37%), the highest infection rate of hookworm was in the group of 41~50(36.22%).
  10. Results Of 1224 residents, the rate of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm and Trichuris trichiura infection were 14.31%, 24.28% and 2.97%, respectively.
  11. Results the infection rate of major intestinal parasite was34.03%, the hookworm, ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, enterobius vermicularis and clonorchis sinensis accounted for6.7%, 0.33%, 0.65%, 39.15%and27.11%, respectively.
    结果 人体肠道重要寄生虫总感染率为34.03%,其中钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、华支睾吸虫感染率分别是6.70%、0.33%、0.65%、39.15%、27.11%。
  12. Conclusion Ivermectin shows similar effect on Ascaris with albendazole, better effect on Trichuris and poorer effect on hookworm and Enterobius than albendazole.
  13. The parasite infection rate of Enterobius vermicularis, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm was 19.46%, 19.20%, 18.24% and 6.56% respectively.
  14. Objective To assess the application value of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the regional data analysis for the distribution study of the infections of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms and Trichuris trichiura.
  15. Family clustering analysis of human infections of Ascaris lumbricoides Enterobius vermicularis and Trichuris trichura in Qinghai Province
  16. The infection rate of Enterobius vermicularis, Hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura was 14.44%, 6.97%, 5.78% and 4.66% respectively.
  17. Methods The eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm and Trichuris trichiura were detected qualitatively with the saturation salt floating method.
  18. The immunological cross-reaction among Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris suum, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Toxocara canis was studied with SDS-PAGE immunoblotting technique.
  19. No cross reactions with ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris were observed.
  20. And Trichuris trichiura (66.7%), Ascaris lumbricoides (61.8%), hookworm (60.9%) and Enterobius vermicularis (39.6%) were the species associated with high infection rates.


[医] 鞭虫属