travel through the air是什么意思 travel through the air在线中文翻译

travel through the air

travel through the air 双语例句

  1. Convenient transportation throughout the county, there are 108 lines, 112 lines, 207 lines and other countries that have security brook lane highway, azurol lines, such as sand east; Beijing Railway has the original railway, every day through three pairs of conventional trains, a pair of train travel round-trip air-conditioned car in Beijing - brook sources.
  2. It thus became possible to study the cathode rays, and also the fluorescence they caused, outside the discharge tube and Lenard concluded from the experiments that he then did that the cathode rays were propagated through the air for distances of the order of a decimetre and that they travel in a vacuum for several metres without being weakened.
  3. Many acquire rounded aerodynamic shapes during their travel through the air.
  4. The AIDS virus can't live outside his body, and it can't travel through the air.
  5. There they cause millions of dollars of damage, and bring death to large numbers of people. The great storms that hit the coast start as innocent circling distubances hundreds-even thousands-of miles out to sea. As they travel aimlessly over water warmed by the summer sun, they are carried westward by the trade winds. When conditions are just right, warm, moist air flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, moves upward through it and comes out at the top. In the process, the moisture in this warm air produces rain, and with it the heat that is converted to energy in the form of strong winds. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clock-wise motion.
  6. When humans exhale, they expel a plume of carbon dioxide and other odors that travel through the air.
  7. This all ceased as soon as the opportunity to earn free air travel was offered through the credit industry.
  8. They could travel through the air, float in water, and lie dormant for many months.
  9. Balloon for travel through the air in a basket suspended below a large bag of heated air.
  10. That is how modern flying squirrels travel through the air.
  11. Beijing Railway has the original railway, every day through three pairs of conventional trains, a pair of train travel round-trip air-conditioned car in Beijing-brook sources.
  12. Both of these nuclear radiations, although different in character, can travel considerable distances through the air.
  13. The bacteria that cause plague can travel through the air or be passed on in the bite of an infected flea.
  14. The MRC believes drugs that manipulate the c-AMP biological pathway could reset the body clock in people whose sleep is disrupted through air travel, shift work or disease; it has filed a patent application for the technology.
  15. Travel Ticket: air tickets, train tickets booking, Hong Kong and Macao through the bus ticketing.
  16. The oil-air suspension can meet the special requirements of all terrain cranes in the travel smoothness on highway and off-highway, the stability of load transition at low speed and the pass through ability when crossing bridges, culverts and tunnels.

travel through the air

travel through the air


expedition: 指有特定目的远征或探险。
voyage: 指在水上旅行,尤指海上旅行,也可指空中旅行。
journey: 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。
trip: 普通用词,口语多用,常指为公务或游玩作的较短暂的旅行。
travel: 泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体的旅行,多指到远方作长期旅行,不强调直接目的地,单、复数均可用。
excursion: 较正式用词,常指不超过一天的短时期娱乐性游玩,也可指乘火车或轮船往返特定景点的远足旅游。
tour: 指最后反回出发地,旅途中有停留游览点,距离可长可短,目的各异的周游或巡行。
cruise: 主要指乘船的游览并在多处停靠。

over: 常和动态动词连用,指“从……上面越过”或“横越”;表静态时,指“在彼处”。
through: 侧重从一端穿到另一端。
along: 指沿着一条直线在水平方向上运动。一般表动态,有时也与静态动词连用。
across: 指“从……的一边到另一边”,强调横过,多与动态动词连用。

attitude: 普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。
manner: 多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。
air: 含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。

atmosphere: 指围绕有的星球,特别是围绕地球的空气,即大气层。也可指环境气氛。
air: 指空气,也泛指一般气体。
gas: 指气态物,尤指供燃烧取暖或照明的气体,其中一部分称作瓦斯。

mob: 含贬义,指乌合之众、暴民。
through: 与crowd含义很接近,常可换用,但侧重指向前运动的群众。
masses: 指群众或平民,在西方国家含贬义,在我国含褒义。
crowd: 本义指一大群紧紧聚集在一起的人群,现指群众整体,由个体结合的人群或大众。
people: 最普通用词,不带任何色彩,泛指不确定数量的人们。