translation machine是什么意思 translation machine在线中文翻译

translation machine

translation machine 双语例句

  1. Research on machine translation evaluation has started with the invention of first automatic machine translation system.
  2. Lexical disambiguation is one of the most difficult problems in machine translation research.
    摘要] 词义辨识是机器翻译中最困难的问题之一,不夸大地说,它是全自动高质量机器翻译成败的关键。
  3. This copper aluminum tube welding process process and the characteristic, the welding process process decomposition will be 6 movements, contains the movement is the translation, according to the copper aluminum tube welding machine's practical work demand, analyzes electric circuit's principle of work, designs the PLC peripheral circuit, based on this, designs the complete control procedure, and carries on the simulation debugging.
  4. The automatic translation of symbolic code into machine code.
  5. At present, Baidu online translation machine translation is a long sentence and the Jinqiao online, and then translate words translated Code-cooperation.
  6. We emphasize that machine dictionary is important for machine translation systems and other natural language processing systems in this paper.
    摘要] 在这篇文章中,我们强调了机器词典对于机器翻译等自然语言处理系统的重要意义。
  7. Software; machine translation: dictionary; grammar; German; rules
  8. The percentage of ambiguous category words is 7.7% in the machine dictionary with 20, 000 items of CEMT-Ⅲ Chinese-English Machine Translation System.
    摘要] 汉语中词的兼类是一个普遍存在的现象。
  9. The use of technology can effectively improve the efficiency of information retrieval and machine translation system to reduce the size dictionary.
  10. Stems processing technology has become the information retrieval and machine translation and other areas an essential key pretreatment technique.
  11. But we can see rare linguistic study of machine translation, information retrieval and information extraction among the large number of studying achievements.
  12. Jasson Eisner, Laerning Non-Isomorphic Tree Mapping for Machine Translation
  13. In this paper, the descriptive semantics of class diagrams, interaction diagrams and state machine diagrams are defined by first order logic formulas. A translation tool is implemented and integrated with the theorem prover SPASS to enable automated reasoning about models.
  14. This is machine translation of orginal blog.
  15. This solution, someone trying to profit from use of machine translation... bs......
    这个正解,有人在浑水摸鱼用机器翻译。。。bs 。。。。。。
  16. ABSTRACT Machine translation is to research how to translation between different natural languages by using computer system.
  17. In the preceding translation, the code in the iterator block is turned into a state machine and placed in the MoveNext
  18. The trustworthy English-Chinese machine translation model bases itself on the philosophy of rational empiricism and on the belief in the language exhaustibility.
  19. But most of what I really used was the machine translation.
  20. The German-Chinese Machine Translation System is a common software system which translates German, into Chinese. GCMTS includes lexical analysis, grammar analysis and translated text adjusting modules. GCMTS adoptes the conditionaly inductive method and the arithmetic of combining verb's valence with the rules library which are different from tranditional the MT system.

translation machine 单语例句

  1. Making sense isn't a science, a mechanical process of putting Chinese words into a translation machine and getting English back.
  2. But it is more important for young people to learn how to be a human with thoughts rather than a translation or interpretation machine.
  3. He suggested every passenger be ensured of a seat on a bus, and that an automatic translation and illustration machine be installed beside each seat.

translation machine

translation machine


machinery: 指机器的总称。
engine: 既可泛指或大或小、简单或复杂的机械、机器,又可指产生动力的发动机或引擎。
motor: 通常指小型或轻型马达、发动机。
apparatus: 指具有特殊用途的装置。
mechanism: 指运行系统,简单的机械装置。
machine: 普通用词,泛指一切机器。

translation: 翻译,转换
interpretation: 口译,解释

translation: 普通用词,指从一种语言到另一种语言的翻译。
paraphrase: 可指非常自由的解释,不拘泥遣词造句,重在传意。通常指用同样语言深入浅出地解释艰深的句子或段落。
version: 可与translation换用,尤指不拘泥于文字的意译,更常指某种作品的一种译文。