tape backing是什么意思 tape backing在线中文翻译

tape backing

tape backing 双语例句

  1. The company mainly produces electronic, opto-electronics and home appliance industries tape, polyimide Products and PET have a variety of high temperature silicone adhesive tape, aluminum foil tape without Backing Paper, PET rubber-type adhesive tape, various high-temperature Masking tape and glass cloth high temperature adhesive tape and fiber tape, you can provide customers with polyimide film and PET film shear zone, well received by the electronics, opto-electronics and home appliance industries pro-gaze.
  2. The tape is transparent, conductive polyester film backing with pressure-sensitive adhesive zone along eage, it has been designed to seal electrical and electronic componets into polycarbonate carriers, it may also work well with other
    本产品由聚酯薄膜和压克力胶系所构成,是一种感压式的胶带,应用在表面粘着封装元件上,不仅能符合SMD 生产厂商的需求,即使高速安装运作时也能满足操作者安全快速的需要,适用于各种载带,如PVC,PC,PS 卡纸,标准尺寸为9.3(13.3,21.3,25.5,37.5,49.5,66.5)mm×200(500)M
  3. By analysysing development conditions of tourism resources about the four cities, a development stragety of backing on Dunhuang linking up the above four cities, forming Great Dunhuang's tourism tape is put forward.
  4. The effects of the kinds of backing, the thickness of adhesive layer, dry temperatute and coating time on Properties of PSA tape are investigated in the paper.
  5. 3 Variations in either the tape backing or the adhesive, or both, affect the response.
    1.3在磁带依托或胶粘剂上的变化或者 both,影响反应。
  6. Before placing the tape, using scissors, etc., cut it in length slightly longer than you need with the backing film still un-removed.
  7. The tape includes a foam or non-woven backing.
  8. Masking Tape is a self adhesive tape of resin impregnated crept paper backing. The brick of lotus flower design in Japan has the rectangle form, the lotus flower design is smaller than those bricks of Luoyang city and has accessorial water wave design.
  9. But what the crowd didn't realize was that the music they were hearing was a backing tape provided by Melbourne's orchestra (below).
  10. If you are backing up data to an existing tape or file that you want to overwrite, you can select this option.
  11. Backing up the datum of the ILAS system with tape driver has many defects, such as the incompletion and insecurity of the datum.
  12. A tape changer is not required when backing up to a hard disk.
  13. Tub-sized: Surface sizing of paper by passing the sheet through a bath or " tub " of size. Masking Tape is a self adhesive tape of resin impregnated crept paper backing.
  14. The indexes of refraction of the material of the fibers in the scrim and of the adhesive are similar so that when the layer of adhesive is pressed against a substrate through the backing layer, the adhesive will more totally wet the fibers of the reinforcing scrim, causing them to become significantly less visible in the reinforced tape adhered to the substrate.
  15. PE PIPESLINE ANTI-SERTIC TAPE are made rfom thick sheets of polyethleneas the backing material, which are coated with ageing ahd corrosion resistant, high intensity.
  16. Tub-sized: Surface sizing of paper by passing the sheet through a bath or " tub " of size. Masking Tape is a self adhesive tape of resin impregnated crept paper backing.
  17. Remove the backing from the tape, align the molding and position it on the body panel.
  18. Instead of backing up to tape or CDROM, it uses available disk space on FTP servers, making it possible to backup your computer anywhere there is an Internet connection.
  19. But what the crowd didn`t realize was that the music they were hearing was a backing tape provided by Melbourne`s orchestra.
  20. The retroreflective beads melted into the first side of the backing to provide the disposable tape with a retroreflective surface without the use of an additional adhesive or resin.

tape backing

tape backing