square auger是什么意思 square auger在线中文翻译

square auger

square auger 双语例句

  1. The super-particles in question are a particular type of high-energy cosmic ray and fittingly, given their extreme properties, their origin has now been worked out by a team of 444 researchers from 17 countries, using the biggest piece of scientific apparatus on Earth—the Pierre Auger observatory, which occupies 3, 000 square kilometres of western Argentina.
  2. The system is mainly composed of proportioning auger, round or square scale, horizontal ribbon mixer or double shaft gravity-free mixer, USA or Japanese high-precision weighing sensor, weighing display controller of Motorola technology, Taiwan industrial computer, Japan Yaskawa transducer, control cabinets of various shapes, console and process simulation screen.
  3. Auger bit, square shank drill bit, electrical, hammer drill bit, masonry drill bit, flat wood bit, forstner drill lok, chisel.
    8A79 8A81 自螺钻、万孔钻、冲击钻头、电锤钻头、木工扁钻、木工绞孔钻、门锁套装开孔器、调节圆孔钻、凿子。
  4. Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity I-bar, O-ring, T-square, octahedron, zigzag chain, gable roof, cross stitch, set square, arch dam, cam shaft, cone buoy, U-bolt, ?

square auger

square auger