special piece是什么意思 special piece在线中文翻译

special piece

special piece 双语例句

  1. The Enhanced Mobility System combines a special two-piece heavy-duty wheel and beadlock system with an advanced run-flat tire insert.
  2. A play, role, or piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company.
  3. In order to control the absolute humidity, they bought a piece of special equipment for the archives office.
  4. The aggregate before augur must pass special processing, turtleback wants take out Lin piece and level off of burnish of face of positive and negative, arrogant bladebone should......
  5. And the last piece of equipment that people are interested in, of course, is amps. Any special one?
  6. Quju Dress: One-piece fashion, wear around the body one or several cicles, to make special style.
  7. A tender and crispy piece of sparerib is one of the traditional Taiwanese snacks. To help customers taste different sparerib dishes, Jhen Mei Ji, a sparerib noodles specialty store, provides especially a menu listed many sparerib dishes. There are house special sparerib noodles, family cooking sweet and sour spareribs, winter melon sparerib soup, spareribs with fruits, taro spareribs and so on.
  8. A piece of stone hewn in a definite shape for a special purpose.
  9. Heliono shielded floor consists of copper sheets continuously soldered together at the seams, which is isolated from the concrete sub floor by a whole piece of plastic vapor barrier and a layer of special felt.
  10. They enjoyed life there, and when they one summer were to celebrate their wedding day, Edvard surprised Nina with a very special gift: a piece of music.
  11. Different kinds of well-sold springs, include tension spring, torsion spring, pull-out piece spring, special spring, spring of automobile fitting, exerciser spring, spring of coal mine-supporting products, electric tool spring, oil pump spring, stationery spring.
    7A68 各种用途的弹簧,包括各种拉伸弹簧,扭转弹簧,压缩弹簧,异形簧,汽车配件弹簧,运动器械用弹簧,煤炭工业支护产品弹簧,电动工具弹簧,油泵弹簧,文具弹簧。
  12. 2The information browses a function mold piece:Look into merchandise row form, new goods last, be out of stock register, look into a special price merchandise contents and look into order.
  13. One-piece armor's special characteristic is when mastery is used, it is far better than two-piece armors.
  14. Special independent frame and spring frame piece ensure less vibration constructively.
  15. Bex Simon: Well, for my client, too. This is a very special piece.
  16. The special prosecutor wanted me to do something simple: sign a piece of paper agreeing to waive Ohios shield law.
  17. V-cone flowmeter's ising according to the bad press type is a kind of discharge appearance of the principle, its key parts reduces expenses the piece as special V type namely cone.
    概述 V-cone 流量计是基于差压式原理的一种流量仪表,其关键部件即节流件为独特的V型圆锥体。
  18. The penetration has different components and organizations from the basal corpuscle of the metal; thereby it helps the surface of the work piece possess special performance, such as the high-temperature resistance, corrosion-resistant and antiabrasive.
  19. To make this tea, the Japanese lady obtained a piece of the special yeast culture with instructions on how to make it with her close friends.
  20. Until you've had a piece of Stank's special jerky.

special piece 单语例句

  1. Popper's Penguins', so he can get back to work on a special piece of art.
  2. Ma and his colleagues will work with thousands of children in Shanghai to present a piece at the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics.
  3. Sometimes you buy a really expensive piece that you only take out for special occasions, sometimes it needs to work for your everyday life.
  4. A huge piece of Hetian jade finally arrived in Shenzhen special economic zone after being transported for six years.
  5. Xu Haifeng's name is like the first lines drawn on a blank piece of paper in China's book of Olympic history always beautiful and special.

special piece

special piece


bit: 侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。
scrap: 侧重指废弃的零碎之物。
slice: 多指切得很薄的一片食物。
fragment: 指破裂的,不完整的,不可完整的碎片。
sheet: 侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。
piece: 最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。

share: 指共有的东西中应占有的一部分。
fraction: 指包含在全体中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
division: 通常指按类划分或分割成而的部分。常含抽象意义。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指线形物品的一段。
part: 含义广,最普通用词。常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等产生的支离破碎、不规则的一部分。
section: 指整体中的分区,部分与部分之间有显著界限。
piece: 指整体中的一些个体,尤指从某个整体上分出来的一部分。
portion: 侧重从整体中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的独立意义。

typical: 典型的
unique: 唯一的
rare: 罕见的,珍贵的
common: 共同的
particular: 特定的,特殊的
special: 特殊的,特别的

especial: 特别的,含有优越或偏好的意义,多用于书面语。
peculiar: 独特的,独有的,强调某一个体或某一集团所独有的、与众不同的,常与介词about, in, to等搭配。
distinctive: 特别的,有特色的
unique: 独特的,强调独一无二的
particular: 特殊的,过于讲究的,强调同类中某一个体所具有的独特性质,常与介词about, as to, over, to搭配。
special: 特设的,专门的,着重指某事物具有自己特有的性质、性格或个性,与同类明显相异的,常与介词about, to搭配。

peculiar: 强调指与众不同或独特的意思。
especial: 和special含义很接近,较正式,但侧重有特殊的意义或重要性。
specific: 着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事物。
particular: 侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性。
special: 普通用词,指不同于一般、与众不同,着重事物的专门性,突出与一般不同。
exceptional: 指不同于一般,本身是特别的或异常的事物。
extraordinary: 语气比exceptional强,指极大地超过一般或正常情况。