config是什么意思 config在线中文翻译



形容词[计]= CONFIGuration,配置


  1. 配置文件
    ...本段是文件段,用于定义软件包所包含的文件,分为三类--说明文档(doc),配置文件(config)及执行程序,还可定义文件存取权限,拥有者及组别. 本段中:一个RPM的软件包描述文件,可以仅生成一个父包或一个子包,也可以生成一个父包和多个子包....
  2. 配置表
    ...前台 -首页增加统计用户在线功能 -全新的首页布局加入热门图片和热门圈子 -数据库表结构发生变化 -系统配置表(Config)和日志记录表(Log)中的一些字段改成以XML数据的形式来存放,压缩了原来的字段 -增加系统统计......
  3. abbr. configuration; 配置


  1. Test the product. From the control panel, press Setup, use the arrow buttons to select Reports, select Config report, and then press OK.
    测试产品。在控制面板上按下设置,使用箭头按钮选择报告,选择配置报告,然后按下 OK。
  2. Then press. 3 Use the button to select Config report
    使用 按钮选择配置报告,然后按下。
  3. Test the product. From the control panel, press Setup, use the arrow buttons to select Reports, select Config report
  4. The root of the tree is named cn=config and contains global configuration settings.
    树的根被命名为 cn=config ,并且包含全球配置设置。
  5. This article will discuss how to set up Clog on both client and server using a custom config section and WCF configuration
  6. It is referred to as the running configuration or running config.
  7. When multiple lines have the same config key, that configuration option takes the value set in the line that appears last.
  8. This is referred to as the startup configuration or startup config.
  9. Unless Cisco IOS devices retrieve configurations from the network during startup, the no service config global configuration command must be used.
    如果 Cisco 设备在启动的时候不是从网络中得到配置文件,no service config 命令必须使用。
  10. Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary utilities from your Config. sys and Autoexec. bat files, and restart your computer.
    请退出一个或多个内存驻留程序,或者删除 Config.sys 和 Autoexec.bat 文件中多余的实用工具,然后重新启动计算机。
  11. According to the customer's requirment we can config the high performance data export equipment, our ultlmate target is meet the customer's total system management requirment including quality and quantity.
  12. This cache is invalidated by any change to the init array or by changing the ver= argument when calling tiny_mce_config.
  13. You can enable it for a project by including the linein the config. xml file.
    您可以在 config.xml 文件中包含如下行来为项目启用这个特性。
  14. Add Some gfx changes and new icon, specially in the config app.
  15. CNF before install and put it in same folder where installer is running, If the file is not existing on MC, it will be copied as config.
  16. AFAIK, this build process doesn't let you run make config in the build tree.
    就我所知,该处理过程并非让你在构建树中运行make config
  17. I just change the KDE fonts config, and let KDE use Chinese font wenquan
  18. You`ve got the config, so let`s get prepped and get out!
  19. Options: Bring out Options window let you config Hide IP Platinum.
    选项:出版选项,窗户让你 config 兽皮 IP 白金。
  20. IP. Options:选项: Bring out Options window let you config Hide IP Platinum.
    出版被让你 config 兽皮 IP 白金的选项窗户。

CONFIG [kən'fɪg]
