single notes是什么意思 single notes在线中文翻译

single notes

single notes 双语例句

  1. At eighteen years, our single malt is exceptionally smooth and mellow with notes of oak, apple and cinnamon.
  2. At fifteen years, rich fruit and notes of spice pervade this characterful single malt.
  3. But Mr Eichengreen notes that the euro, by militating against more widespread beggar-thy-neighbour policies, may have helped preserve the European single market.
  4. In order to play melodies, or Blues an Rock lead and accompaniment, you`ve got to play single notes.
  5. The use of a single-chip coding potential ABOB Application notes, looks good, has an analysis has code, can refer to.
  6. Taylor took the time to write thank-you notes in her second grade handwriting to every single person.
  7. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories, user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.
  8. With what can only be described as a mind boggling performance of his hit single Whataya Want From Me, appearing as an apparition in dark profile within a green cone of illuminated swirling clouds, Adam delivered the opening verse of the song with clear, strong, yet hauntingly measured notes that swept his audience into a space/time continuum in which only he and they existed, then broke out into full Planet Fierce rock mode complete with glossy Elvis-esque jacket and pompadour, yet facial and body language that was clearly signature Glambert.
    这是一场只能以不可思议来形容的表演!他出现在顶灯投射下的漩涡云层之间,譬如黑夜中的幻影,以清澈的有力的叫人难以忘怀的嗓音为他的热门单曲WWFM开场,将观众们送入一个只有他与他们存在的时空。继而爆发,进入了Planet Fierce的摇滚模式,配之以Elvis式的夹克和发型,可同时他的表情与身体语言又是如此典型的Glambert。
  9. Running up to an acid semitonal acciaccatura in both hands, the piano goes over into a sprint of octave-chords and single notes, jumping manically up and down the keyboard twice a bar.
  10. It is able to accurately detect notes in both simple single instrument recordings as well as complex polyphonic compositions.
  11. When the time 14 slights the law in the second prize 114 notes, in Shenzhen 8 notes, single note bonus 5435 Yuan.
  12. Notes that the bond is recorded in a single account, the face amount of the bond and the premium paid are not recorded in separate accounts.
  13. The lecture notes are available as a single (PDF) file, or as separate files related to the lectures in the table below.
  14. Product Notes: single-stage regulator valve for the high pot.
  15. User files configured for roaming now display in a single Roaming Applications folder on the Lotus Notes replicator page.
  16. Trademarks have been given to single colours for industrial products, such as yellow for Post-it notes.
  17. With replicated documents, we can use a Notes view to concatenate field values and to read them with a single lookup.
  18. The principle and typical application of single chip yaw rate gyroscope are introduced, then the design notes of yaw rate measure instrument are presented.
  19. Paul Millsap (notes) had26 points and11 rebounds, with the undersized power forward single-handedly keeping the Jazz in the game at times.
  20. By monitoring single or multiple create, open, update, or delete events to the Notes documents, Virtual Field activities trigger the appropriate result in the external system data.

single notes

single notes


unique: 非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可匹敌、无与伦比的特征。
single: 语气较强,强调仅此一个,再无第二个。
only: 普通用词,常可与sole换用,但侧重仅限于指定的人或物,而不需要更多。
alone: 着重专指某人或某物,而不是别的。
sole: 语气强于only,指仅有一个或一群,只考虑这一个或这一群。

single: 指尚未结婚的人,但更多指终生不结婚的人。
virgin: 通常指未婚者,贞洁未被玷污的人,或指婚烟关系尚未完成者。
maiden: 与virgin含义相近,但更着重年轻与未婚,或未曾发生过任何两性关系。