signal light indicator是什么意思 signal light indicator在线中文翻译

signal light indicator

signal light indicator 双语例句

  1. Alarm signal may be indicated in alarm light column by corresponding symbol indicator light of international standard to general alarm, fire alarm, Co2 release, telephone call, telegraph and machinery alarm column etc.
  2. E/R group acous to-optical alarm system is consisted of alarm column and alarmn relay box. Alarm column may be separated into three kinds:large light column, small light column and indication panel. Alarm signal may be indicated in alarm light column by corresponding symbol indicator light of international standard to general alarm, fire alarm, Co2 release, telephone call, telegraph and machinery alarm column etc. And they may be distinguished from large alarm column by different tonality of horn and rotating light, and make a sound in the small alarm light column and indication panel, for catch persons atention.
  3. Chapters 1 to make a description of the design, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is the forceful electric power part, Including load calculation, lighting design and the design of Lightning Protection; Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 is disgen note of the part of fire-fighting and light current, it dosen`t need to set fire-fighting by standards, the disgen only sets hydrant button pressure switch, Water flow indicator and Signal Valve, the part of light current disgin only with the laying of pipeline in advance.
  4. We provide you with the following high-quality components, you need to improve the reliability of the equipment: signal isolation/transmitter, relay/optocoupler, lightning/surge protector, switching power supply, with a total Line interface, filter/anti-modules, industrial connectors, sensor/actuator interface module, printed circuit board connector, on-site joint boxes, terminals, the button/indicator light, control/Bus cables and other products.
  5. If all the problems above, ruled out, the indicator light does not return to normal state, it need to ask the company's communications staff, to re-set the network ports, generally reset the network port, it will have a signal, if it is No, you can consider replacing a new ADSL Modem.
    如果上面的问题全部排除了,该指示灯的状态还不恢复正常的话,就需要请通信公司的工作人员,来重新设置网络端口,一般来说重设网络端口时,都会产生信号的,如果还不行的话,可以考虑更换一个新的ADSL Modem。
  6. All circuits which are not confined to one housing and which affect safety shall be double-wire, double-break, except signal and switch indicator light circuits.
  7. If the door of the machine is open or the bag inside is full, the cutting head will not operate and an indicator light will signal the problem.
  8. Improvement of Light Regulator of Signal Indicator for Vessel Sailing
  9. Styling/Convenience Engine Trim Black powder-coated with Wrinkle-Black treatment Exhaust System Chrome, staggered shorty duals Foot Supports and Controls Mid-mounted rider footpegs with brake and shift levers; standard passenger footpegs Handlebars Stainless steel, wide, dirt-track inspired Seat One-piece, two-up Sportster classic Instruments Electronic speedometer with odometer, time-of-day clock on odometer, dual resettable tripmeter, fuel gauge with low fuel warning light, low oil pressure indicator light, diagnostics readout, LED lights, tachometer Hazard Warning Integrated into turn signal controls Smart Security System Optional, next-generation hands-free security fob; operates based on proximity to vehicle
    称呼/便利引擎修剪黑色粉末上漆与皱痕黑治疗排气系统镀铬物,摇摆的shorty 双倍脚支持和控制中间登上的车手footpegs 与闸和转移杠杆;标准乘客footpegs 把手不锈钢,宽,土轨道启发了位子单件,two-up Sportster 经典仪器电子车速表与测路器,time-of-day 时钟在测路器,双重resettable tripmeter,燃料测量仪以低燃料警告灯,低油压显示灯,诊断读出,LED 点燃,车头表危险警告集成轮信号控制聪明的保安系统任意,下一代没有雇工的安全fob;操作根据与车的接近度
  10. If you have a telephone line in the case of the signal, the indicator light flashes have been still in the state, it means that the port in question.

signal light indicator

signal light indicator


sign: 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。
emblem: 指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。
symbol: 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。
token: 语气庄重,指礼品、纪念物等作为表示友谊、爱情等的象征或标志。
attribute: 指人或物及其地位、属性的象征。
mark: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。
signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。
badge: 一般指金属证章或写有姓名的带状标志物。

flash: 指突然发出而随即消失的闪光。
glare: 指眩目的光。
blaze: 指猛烈燃烧所发生强烈的光。
glow: 指像冶炼铁和钢时发出的红光。
flare: 指摇曳的火焰。
light: 普通用词,指日、月、星或灯等的光。
twinkle: 指如星光等的闪烁。
glitter: 指连续发出闪烁不定的光。
flame: 指一条或多条火舌,多用复数形式,指由许多火舌构成的大火。

ignite: 多用于科技文体,指使某物受热直到燃烧或发光,也可指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来。
light: 普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。
fire: 普通用词,指将某物点燃使其燃烧起来,火势可大可小。
kindle: 指艰难或缓慢地把可燃料点燃,可用于比喻。

lamp: 通常指以油、气或电为能源的照明设备,一般有罩。
light: 普通用词,含义广泛。泛指一切供照明的灯,多指电灯。