settlor是什么意思 settlor在线中文翻译

settlor 英 ['setlə] 美 ['setlə]

settlor 词典解释


settlor 网络解释

  1. 财产授与人
    ...所谓信托,其实是一种法律安排,一般涉及财产授与人(Settlor)、受托人(Trustee)及信托受益人(Beneficiary)三方面. 首先,授与人为达某种资产分配的目标(如信中的余先生,希望把资产有效地留给子女),把财产的拥有权转予受托人名下,...
  2. 财产授予人
    ...settlement system 交收制度;结算系统 | settlor 财产授予人 | seven-year Exchange Fund note 七年期外汇基金债券...
  3. 财产授予者
    ...settledowndomiciliateecesissedentariness 定居 | settlor 财产授予者 | setupastallmaintainalargestaffandorganisation 摆摊子...
  4. 财产授予人 信托财产授与人
    ...settlingzone 沉淀区 | settlor 财产授予人 信托财产授与人 | settoexactsize 调整到正确尺寸...

settlor 英英释义

  1. (law) a person who creates a trust by giving real or personal property in trust to a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary
    a person who gives such property is said to settle it on the trustee
    Synonym: trustor

settlor ['setlə]

n. 财产增与者,托管财产者
n. (law) a person who creates a trust by giving real or personal property in trust to a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary; a person who gives such property is said to settle it on the trustee