settling velocity diameter是什么意思 settling velocity diameter在线中文翻译

settling velocity diameter

settling velocity diameter 双语例句

  1. Natural physical characteristics, such as mean diameter D(subscript m, effective density and settling velocity ω(subscript S of fine suspended sediment floes in Changjiang Estuary are studied. Temporal changes in Dm and volume concentration of fine suspended sediment in surface water during spring and neap tides were measured in situ in June of 2003 in Xuliujing with a laser particle size analyzer (Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometry, LISST and suspended sediment concentration with an optical backscatter, from which mean Δp and mean c of floes were calculated in the field.
  2. The nitrifying granular activated sludge began to appear on day 45. Its average diameter was 0.83 mm, settling velocity was 55.53m/h and specific ammonia removal rate was 0.95 mmol (NH/- N)/g (VS) - d.
  3. As the diameter of granules increased, the settling velocity, wet density and MLVSS/MLSS increased.
  4. Under steady salinity, flocculating settling velocity depends on factors such as diameter and type of sediment concentration of suspension, settling distance and temperature of water.
  5. The settling velocity of granular sludge in clean water was proportional to its diameter, and thier relation could be described with Allen equation.

settling velocity diameter

settling velocity diameter


pace: 普通用词,指步行的速度,常引申指活动的进度或生产率。
rate: 作“速度”讲时,与speed同义,可换用。作速率解时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的标准速度。
speed: 普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。
velocity: 技术用词,指物体沿着一定方向运动时的速率。