series of natural number是什么意思 series of natural number在线中文翻译

series of natural number

series of natural number 双语例句

  1. Shanxi Jishan County emerging tool plant, established in 1980, up more than 20 years, after the joint efforts of all staff and the vast number of new and old customer support, in the original production of natural diamonds Bolidao, Abrasive Wheels knives, metal-based again and produce artificial diamonds marked bits, diamond grinding wheel variety, Jupian, computer lettering knife, Computer sculpting knife, computer 3D (3D) sculpting knife, various art card series tools, testing means complete, products refined from raw materials used GB.
  2. Ling-yi products include stone, stone palace, cryolite, Zun-Wei Shi, PCChips stone, stone impression, nebula stone, launching a series of chi marn stone more than 400 varieties, the product with its elegant, vivid, natural flow patterns, to win the vast number of consumers at home and abroad and favorable.
  3. Inspired by the popular MTV television series and hugely successful MTV Films Jackass and Jackass number two, Jackass the game is a natural extension of the Jackass property, taking it to new heights as the highly anticipated mission based action adventure game comes to videogame systems for the first time.
  4. In this paper, a general formula of sum of equal power series of natural number is given.
  5. A Formula of the Sum of Equal Power Series of Natural Number Problems
  6. Sunshine Natural Living windshear Series multi-function sofa bed, has received a number of national-level certification and inspection standards.

series of natural number

series of natural number


ordinary: 强调一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。
typical: 指个体能体现出群体的特征。
regular: 指已有模式、有规律或定期的。
normal: 指不超过某种限度、符合某种标准或常规。
natural: 侧重某人或某物的行为符合其固有特性。

succession: 侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。
series: 指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。
progression: 指向前推进的行为过程或状态的连续。
sequence: 多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续。

amount: 普通用词,与quantity近义,但强调整体,指把所有数量、重量及度量归并在一起得出的总数。
sum: 普通用词,指简单加算的结果。
number: 普通用词,指人或物的数目,强调数的概念。
quantity: 书面用词,指事物的总量和总数量,侧重大批计量,含准确测量的意味。

edition: 版数;
issue/number: 期数;
version: 译本,版本
copy: 册数;

figure: 指“数字”,着重数字符号
number: 泛指“数”;