selection by failure是什么意思 selection by failure在线中文翻译

selection by failure

selection by failure 双语例句

  1. The results showed such measures as close observation of disease conditions, reinforcement of diet instruction, prevention of heart failure by obstipation, careful selection of infusion position and proper mental nursin...
  2. With respect to selection of the health and safety performance indicator, occupational incident statistic results, maturity of employee behavior safety, safety awareness, frequency of machinary failure and cumulative workhour with zero incident shall be considered first as an indicator as comes to condition aspect. For indicators in management aspect, all agree unanimously that management review, degree of commitment, achievement of policies and goals as well as degree of completion of the corrective and preventive measures are prominent. As to indicators in operation aspect, number of violation by contractors, self-inspection implementation and completion rate of corrective action, fire fighting system integrity, handling and managing of hazardous substances, properness of operating the dangerous machines, frequency of top management auditing, degree of traing program excution are more critical.
  3. By unique backup port selection, it can avoid unnecessary transmission path switching on repeated failure point and ring recovery, so that self-healing can be achieved seamlessly.
  4. As the starting point of a project, the success or failure can be determined by the result of the project location selection to a great degree.
  5. The rural credit market failure and financing difficulties of rural economic organizations caused by converse selection have become the bottleneck restricting the development of rural economy.
  6. The results showed such measures as close observation of disease conditions, reinforcement of diet instruction, prevention of heart failure by obstipation, careful selection of infusion position and proper mental nursing and skin nursing are positive to the recovery.
  7. So it proposes an opportunity cost approach for resource selection, which considers combination of explicit cost and failure penalty, models after the failure rate of resource by negative exponential function of trust value and provides a quantum method of opportunity cost.
  8. Through step-by-step selection of 20 financial indicators, it is found that net interest rate of total assets, assets-liabilities ratio, and accounts receivables turnover are effective predictors of financial failure at listed companies; overall, the model has an accuracy rate of 86.7% in prediction.

selection by failure

selection by failure


election: 强调目的和达到目的判断能力。
preference: 侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。
choice: 侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。
alternative: 指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。
selection: 指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。
option: 着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。