screw tip是什么意思 screw tip在线中文翻译

screw tip

screw tip 双语例句

  1. Debut of the new German Leng Solartechnik company`s glass-type collector is to use the outer diameter of 100mm glass vacuum double-decker structure, glass and collector tube contact is a screw-type access, glass and collecting duct connections are to be extruded glass tube, in the root tip mounting screws, are collecting duct of the female into the structure folder.
  2. My factory is located in the eastern suburbs of Jinan Mingshui search old industrial park, convenient geographical location as the pre-production and management are the main types of steel GT series of major construction machinery manufacturers, drew extensively on domestic and foreign advanced technology, production-based GT1-4 reinforcing bars Straightening Machine, GT4-8-type steel Straightening machine, GT4-14 steel cutting machine Straightening, LGT4-14 Straight threaded reinforcing bars and YGT4-14 steel hydraulic straightening machine, YLGT10-16 type hydraulic thread reinforcing bars Straight Cutting Machine, YLGT4-14 screw-type hydraulic steel cutter Straightening, 12-16 hydraulic steel extension units, cold-rolled ribbed steel bar molding machine, a horizontal steel wire drawing machine, hydraulic extension machine, double-steel wire drawing machine, bar bending machine hoop extension of hot-rolled steel three machines, bar drawing machine, reinforcement-up machine, steel I-round-up machine, steel bending machine, rolling machine tip.
    我厂位于济南东郊明水查旧工业园内,地理交通方便、位置优越、是主要生产经营GT系列各类钢筋建筑机械的专业厂家,广泛吸取国内外先进技术,生产 GT1-4型钢筋调直机,GT4-8型钢筋调直机,GT4-14钢筋调直切断机,LGT4-14螺纹钢筋调直机和液压YGT4-14钢筋校直机,YLGT10-16型的液压螺纹钢筋调直切断机,YLGT4-14型的液压螺纹钢筋调直切断机,12-16液压钢筋延伸机组,冷轧带肋钢筋成型机,卧式钢筋拔丝机,液压延伸机,双筒钢筋拔丝机,钢筋弯箍机热轧三级钢延伸机,钢筋拉伸机,钢筋收线机,工字轮钢筋收线机,钢筋弯曲机,轧尖机。
  3. The substructure of PDZ is adverse pile-up of screw dislocations emitted from crack tip.
  4. The solid stainless case and screw-down crown of the Black Tip are rated to 200 meters so you can rest easy underwater, and you'll appreciate the huge numerals on the one-way ratcheting bezel when you need to quickly gauge your bottom time.
  5. The tip of one screw penetrated into the occipitoatlantal joint.
  6. Conduction parts, the lightning acceptance is special made screw of stainless steel, set on the blade tip, which part mostly could be struck, the lightning acceptance can take strike many times, and can be replaced easily after broken.
  7. The system of lightnging protection of Goldwind(750kW) wind power generator set is based on this researching result, it is made of lightning acceptance and conduction parts, the lightning acceptance is special made screw of stainless steel, set on the blade tip, which part mostly could be struck, the lightning acceptance can take strike many times, and can be replaced easily after broken.
  8. Ice car is wood or a wood screw into a rectangular wooden stand, wooden stand below a length on each nail palladium wire nails or rough, man sitting on a wooden frame, his hands holding a length of iron rod with a tip force allocation moving ice, ice car up on the slide.
  9. Due to a roughly 10:1 ratio between the twin injection cylinders and the screw cross sectional areas, the injection cylinder hydraulic pressure is less than the screw tip pressure by the same ratio.
  10. The female screw hole portion is a hole portion penetrating the first member and the second member prevents the male screw portion from further going in by the tip of the male screw portion inserted into the female screw hole portion contacting the second member.
  11. A headed multi-lobed blank, method of manufacturing a self-tapping screw from the blank, and resulting multi-lobed self-tapping (902) screw for joining thin workpieces (1402, 1404) provides desirable thread-forming characteristics at the conical tip and body portions, and improved resistance to vibrational loosening near the head.
  12. Discharging the capacitor may melt the tip of the screw driver and the copper on the printed circuit board.
  13. The tip of the screw driver has been made of hardened steel which has been ground to provide a long life and a precise carburettor set-up.
  14. He knew she wasn't one of those dainty women who will screw their mouth up to the size of the tip of an eyedropper at a dinner party, so he replied, This is the first time I've been to this restaurant and I am not sure which dishes I like best.
  15. The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement. Among 160 thoracic pedicle screws that were implanted in 34 cases, 148 screws (92.5%) were accurately inserted inside the costotransverse unit, and 12 screws (7.5%) were misplaced according to the image of X-ray and CT thin-slice scan.
    应用椎弓根外内固定技术2004/2007年在中山大学附属第三医院骨科治疗34例患者,固定前采用CT加密扫描测量进钉点、进钉点至椎体前缘的深度、进钉角度和直径,固定中椎弓根钉入点为横突尖,进钉方向为平均向头侧倾斜10°~ 20°、与中线成角30°~40°,顺椎弓根外侧皮质进入椎体,固定后CT加密扫描观察螺钉周围的皮质骨是否完整、是否靠近节段血管、是否穿透皮质骨,评价置入钉的准确性和安全性。34例患者共置入160枚胸椎椎弓根螺钉,固定后CT加密扫描和X射线片观察到148枚(92.5%)螺钉置入准确,12枚(7.5%)螺钉发生错置。
  16. Surface Hardening of Adjusting Screw Tip End-of-Period Adjustment
  17. Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of dynamic hip screw (DHS) on intertrochanteric fractures and discuss the relationship between tip apex distance (TAD) and cutout of the screw.
  18. A hand tool for driving screws; has a tip that fits into the head of a screw.
  19. A small hand tool having a spiraled shank, a screw tip, and a cross handle and used for boring holes.
  20. The pressure drop at the runners and sprue gate separates the cavity pressure from the screw tip pressure.

screw tip

un. 蜗杆梢
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screw tip


present: 普通用词,指给亲朋好友的礼物,赠者与被赠者之间存在某种个人关系,所赠礼物一般不是很昂贵的。
gift: 含义广,既可指真诚相送的礼物、赠品或生日、节日礼物,又可指捐赠的物品或捐款等。
souvenir: 指对人、物、地点或事件有纪念意义的礼物或纪念品。
tip: 指为酬谢他人服务而给的小费。

tilt: 指有意识地或长时间地使物体处于倾斜状态。
slope: 指向上或向下渐渐倾斜的表面,多用于山、屋顶等缓缓倾斜。
tip: 指向一边倾斜或向上翻转、失去平衡或完全翻转过来。