scalariform tracheid是什么意思 scalariform tracheid在线中文翻译

scalariform tracheid

scalariform tracheid 双语例句

  1. The tracheary elements in secondary xylems of Actaea asiatica root and rhizomes were observered with a scanning electron microscope and found to contain abundant types, which mainly included tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels, and typical vessels. Of these types, the tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels were first found. Scalariform perforation plates, reticulate perforation plates, mixed perforation plates and simple perforation plates were observed in the typical vessels and the reticulate perforation plates, mixed perforation plates were first founded the lateral-wall perforation plates, multiple end walls and pit membrane vestige were also observed in the tracheary elements.
  2. The wood structures of Lauraceae were characterized by most diffuse porous; most pores solitary, less multiple and cluster pores; simple and scalariform perforation with few bars; most solitary pore; alternate intervessel pitting; most of rays multiseriate, less uniseriate; all of rays heterogeneous, mostly heterogeneous Ⅲ and Ⅱ type rays; most of axial parenchyma paratracheal type, less banded or marginal type; oil cell and mucilage cell in axial parenchyma cell or ray cell; mostly fiber tracheid and libriform fiber, less septate fiber.

scalariform tracheid

scalariform tracheid